mwage / DarkRift2_Boilerplate

Login, Friendlist, Chat (with PM and chatgroups) and Rooms. Using MongoDB.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is meant to give people an idea of how DarkRift 2 works. Feel free for use and change to suit your needs. For Authentication I'm using RSA and BCrypt. For an actual live project, unless you really know what you do, you might want to use token based authorization like f.e. OAuth/OpenID or 3rd party platforms like PlayFab, so you don't have to deal with sensible user data yourself. You can use any Database you like, just write a DbConnector (or use an existing one) and write your own queries into the DataLayer. Examples for MySQL and MongoDB are ready to use.

Type /join (name) or /leave (name) to join/leave a chatgroup and use tab/enter/esc to navigate in the chat window.


Update: Abstracted the database and added MySQL connector


  1. Clone/Download the project.
  2. Open the Unity folder with Unity.
  3. Download Darkrift 2 from the Asset Store.
  4. Extract the "DarkRift" that got added with the Assets/DarkRift folder to a location outside of the Unity project.
  5. Inside the "DarkRift Server" folder, create a new folder called "Plugins".
  6. Open and run the Plugins/GenerateRsaKeys solution. This creates PrivateKey.xml and PublicKey.xml.
  7. Copy PrivateKey.xml into DarkRift Server/Plugins and PublicKey.xml into the Assets/Resources folder in the Unity project (might have to create the folder).
  8. In unity, open the "Launcher" scene, select the GameManager object and if one of the scripts is corrupted, replace it with "[YourDarkRiftFolder]\DarkRift\Plugins\Client\UnityClient.cs". You'll have to do this if your DarkRift version is more recent than the one used here.
  9. Open the Plugins/Plugins.sln solution.
  10. Add the DarkRift and DarkRift.Server references from DarkRiftServer/Lib to all projects
  11. Build the solution. Nuget Manager should be able to install the Nuget packages by itself.
  12. Copy Database.dll, Login.dll, Chat.dll, Rooms.dll and the DBConnector of your choice into DarkRiftServer/Plugins and the BCrypt .dll and all .dlls necessary for your database into DarkRiftServer/lib. You can find all of them in the Debug/bin folder of the Chat project and the respective DbConnector project.
  13. Run DarkRift.Server.Console.exe, which creates the xmls and adjust the connection string to yours.
  14. Start your Db, restart the server and either start the Launcher in your Unity scene or a build of it.

Hope this project is helpful. If you have any problems or find any bugs, let me know.

Big thanks to Wichenstaden for his help with the MySQL Connector and to Jamster for his input and ofc the awesome networking solution!


Login, Friendlist, Chat (with PM and chatgroups) and Rooms. Using MongoDB.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%