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cannot load file with GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf.new_from_resource

cedlemo opened this issue · comments

I try to load an image file and create a Pixbuf but I have an error saying that the file doesn't exist:

CURRENT_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__)

if File.exist?(File.expand_path(CURRENT_DIR + "/gtk-logo-256.png"))
  pixbuff = GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf.new_from_resource(File.expand_path(CURRENT_DIR + "/gtk-logo-256.png"))

The message error:

/home/cedlemo/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/gir_ffi-0.5.1/lib/gir_ffi/arg_helper.rb:99:in `check_error': The resource at '/home/cedlemo/projets/ruby_ffi_test/gtk3-widget-factory/gtk-logo-256.png' does not exist (RuntimeError)
    from (eval):5:in `new_from_resource'
    from /home/cedlemo/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/gir_ffi-0.5.1/lib/gir_ffi/class_base.rb:35:in `setup_and_call'
    from (eval):3:in `new_from_resource'
    from gtk3-widget-factory.rb:55:in `<main>'

What is wrong with my code?

#new_from_resource does not work with regular files. You need to use #new_from_file. More info about resources here: