mvidner / ruby-dbus

A Ruby binding for DBus

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dbus/message.rb:87:in `synchronize': can't be called from trap context (ThreadError)

tomasjura opened this issue · comments

Explanation: Holding mutex in trap is deadlockable. It is what ruby complained.

Possible solutions I found at this blog

Thanks for the report!

In what context are you getting this error? Do you have a simple test case for it?

BTW seems to be down, but I copied its Google cache to a gist.

I'm writing a simple dbus client for modem manager and it's location (org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Location) interface. When terminated by SIGINT I want the client to stop the GPS.

I do not have the example any more - I rewrote it and used pipe as shown in the mentioned blog. But simply any contruction like

Signal.trap("SIGINT") {
sleep 10 while true

and sending the INT signal to process should raise the error message.