mvdan / bitw

Minimalist BitWarden client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support a graphical prompt

mvdan opened this issue · comments

For example, the only way to supply a two-factor auth token is via the terminal. We should support graphical prompts. This is useful to make usage easier, and to allow starting the D-Bus service without hard-coding passwords anywhere.

I'm unsure how this could be done. Tools like zenity may not be installed. Depending on GTK or Qt would be overkill. Perhaps the simplest would be an askpass config option, similar to what git has.

I still think that an askpass option is best, with a sane default. The sane default would be:

  • the current command-line prompt if we're not in a graphical environment
  • the askpass program if it's set in the config
  • the first available askpass program installed in the system, such as ssh-askpass, zenity --password, etc.
  • otherwise we fall back to the command-line prompt