mutualmobile / MMDrawerController

A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller

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UITableView in centerview can't be edited

mengxy opened this issue · comments

I have an UITableView in centerview. While the tableview is set editing, I can't drag cells up and down.

Same here. I have a UITableView with edit mode enabled. When I try to drag a cell it starts to move. After a few pixels of dragging the cell snaps back to its original location.

I have solved this problem. After the tableview setEditing, change openDrawerGestureModeMask to MMOpenDrawerGestureModeNone.

@mengxy That's probably a good workaround for now. I'll see if I can update the to describe this.

I have an UITableView in centerview,how to implement sliding delete?

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I hava a problem in left ViewController ,then I did select the row enter my centerView ,the centerVC is tabbarVC ,then push nextVc from CenterVC,and leftNavItem of the nextVC is not system back Item ,i look have the effect of DDMenuController ,now ,what i can do?