mustache / spec

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Proposal: Template inheritance

spullara opened this issue · comments

At Twitter we run into a very common case where we want to have one template where we maintain the "bones" of the page and each real page on the site merely replaces sections of that page with appropriate content. We would like to avoid putting any business logic in the bones of the page for including the right content, nor do we want to write custom backing code for each of those pages.

I give up trying to put my code in the issue, here is a gist:

I'm pretty uninterested in the logic-less template stuff, but this strikes me as something that could be really useful to have, and so I'd like to see something like this.

But what strikes me about it is that sub.mustache is not really a mustache template but more of a list of substitutions (which are mustache templates). Is there any way an inheriting template isn't just a list of substitutions? Because if not, why couldn't it just be defined that if an implementation wants to create a mechanism for creating derived templates, it can do that by letting you define (however you like; json? yaml? list of mustache sections?) a mapping of names to mustache-template strings or mustache files and replacing regular interpolation tags with the indicated mustache code when the derived template is loaded? It seems to me (albeit after only like 4 minutes thought) that this would potentially be even more convenient while simultaneously not requiring major changes to the parsers of existing mustaches. And also, it would prevent us from using up two precious special characters to implement this proposal. But, I'm probably missing something in that logic.

Two cents:

As @davidsantiago, I regret that sub.mustache is "not really a mustache template", and, more specifically, that we don't know what happens when sub.mustache contains content outside of the substitutions blocks. That alone makes the gist weird, even though the need is pretty clear.

I know about a solution for this problem: Ruby on Rails' one : one template is rendered in one layout.

This gist show hows a Rails-like two-pass rendering could look in Mustache (the syntax mimics Rail's one) :

The main differences with @spullara's gist:

  • sub.mustache has no reference to its layout - the rendering code should take care of rendering sub.mustache in the layout.mustache
  • the content of sub.mustache is no longer a specific substitution, instead there is a dedicated place for it in the layout.
  • there is no default value for any substitution

Thanks for the feedback. sub.mustache is actually a mustache template, the example usage failed to show that in all its glory. Another example that has come up for us is for having similar widgets that are displayed differently in different places but use the same base template. I do agree though that within the {{<super}}, the top level has to be replacements. However, nothing stops you from using the {{<}} syntax anywhere within any template. {{<}} means "replace any blocks in this partial with blocks that i have specified within this tag, then include the partial".

The RoR solution lacks the ability to have multiple layouts in a single page, also I need some external mechanism to connect the two templates. It also doesn't seem to support a large hierarchy of template "classes". For example, we might have:

General Twitter Page < Settings style page < Profile settings page

Re: characters. This scheme can be implemented without introducing new characters through some elaborate lambda gymnastics but it wouldn't be very clear what was going on when you looked at the template. Could be ameliorated by using a naming convention e.g. {{#<super}} and {{#$content}}. My personal opinion is that this is such a widespread issue with real life mustache usages that it just might be worth it.

{{<}} means "replace any blocks in this partial with blocks that i have specified within this tag, then include the partial".

Thanks for this sentence. It's quite clear, now.

It's also clear that {{<}} can be seen as a kind of inheritance, and as well as a function call with arguments. More people should know Handlebars.js. In Handlebars, no need for new punctuation, no need for an extension to the spec: I quite think you could just write a simple 'content_for' helper, and write :

Really, Yehuda Katz's announcement is refreshing:
Handlebars.js website:

That is pretty close. The only gap is that when you use multi-level inheritance the higher one in the stack wins instead of the lowest one in the stack. Default content also doesn't work with this model.

OK, yeah, that functionality wasn't clear to me from the initial example. That does leave the "templateness" of sub.mustache intact. However, as you say, there is still the way that the inside of the ">" tag is basically putting forth a map notation for mustache. Mustache has always seemingly been happy to leave maps to the language implementing it, so I still feel a little uncomfortable with this and can't say why. I just wish that the inside of that tag didn't require so much special meaning and new parsing. That is why I still really like the idea of letting this just be a partial with template substitutions for interpolation tags. The spec is already vague about where exactly the implementation should go looking for partials, so this could be very easily slipped into current implementations with a minimum of new syntax, just an expansion of what partials mean, in that partials might have associated files that create substitutions when they are loaded.

Regarding the other character, I was saying that I think you could leave off the $, and just jam the template into the ordinary interpolation tags. This is already kind of what lambdas do, in that a lambda passed in for an interpolation tag will return mustache code that is then parsed and rendered in that context. So there is already a precedent for a regular interpolation tag being used as a site for more template code to be inserted. The difference here would be that instead of this happening due to a function passed into the context map, it's happening because a derived template is instantiating itself (and thus wouldn't need to happen every time the template is called).

The biggest problem with using # is that the identity transformation is so goofy. Even though it looks like you are replacing it with the same thing, they would be interpreted much differently:

I'm not at all following what you're saying... What is it about the # tags? What is the identity transformation?

Ah sorry, by "identity transformation" I mean a replacement that leaves you with the original. If we reuse # tags we have the issue that to replace the section with something that means the same thing you have to double them.

OK, I see now what you're saying. If we grant the syntax you want for using sections as keys and their values in a partial, the repetition in that example seems clear enough to me. Certainly the identity transformation is not a motivating use case for this feature, and having the source code for it, when it is necessary, shake out in this way doesn't strike me as sufficient motivation for the addition of a new tag type. There are no current semantics defined for sections when they are being used as the sites of template inheritance replacements, so there is some leeway here to posit new rules if that's necessary.

So currently the semantics for # sections is such that if they are not present in the backing code, they are "false". It might make more sense to use {{^}} instead in this case to get something that is closer to the {{$}} behavior. Not sure if I am explaining this well enough, but {{#}} has very different semantics.

I don't know if you're explaining it well enough, but I'm not quite following you. I assume you're talking about the resolution rules hereabouts: Those rules name a few different places to look for the contents of a section tag... is there some reason another place to look couldn't be added to those rules? I'm not seeing it.

So lets take the example where you want a page to evaluate two different ways, once with the default text and once with your modified text. In order for that to work, based on Rule 2), you have to have a singular valued hash matching the name of the section in the top level template so the section renders at all:

  1. Walk the context stack from top to bottom, finding the first context
    that is a) a hash containing the name as a key OR b) an object responding
    to a method with the given name.

If you don't have that, the section won't be evaluated. When I extend the top level template, suddenly that "section" is satisfied and it doesn't even reference the section code that I use in the super template. Having to offer specific backing code in order for the template to render properly is what I am trying to avoid by suggesting a declarative template inheritance feature. This is why the sub template isn't just a hash of values but literally replaces the template code in the super template. The real issue is the default for {{#}} is false, not true -- which is why I suggested that {{^}} would be more appropriate.

OK, gotcha, thanks. I had not been considering the use case of wanting to have default code for when nothing is provided by a derived template and there is no desire to have a flag in the context to control whether that default code renders or not. I agree that that's not desirable.

If a partial has {{something}}, {{#something}}{{/something}} or {{^something}}{{/something}}, I thought we'd like to have a way to replace that tag with an arbitrary expansion, but Mustache doesn't currently have a way to name groups of code other than sections and inverted sections. So then you'd have to say: when you're replacing, match the tag names regardless of the tag type. That way you could get a section/inverted section named "something" inserted in the place of {{something}} or whatever. Here we're using sections/inverted sections just for their code-grouping semantic to define the key/value syntax for the replacement part of the {{<}} tag. Although you're right that {{^}} would be more natural for the replacement sites, it's not clear to me which is more natural and meaningful in the key/value replacement syntax, especially when you add on the question of whether they should match the replacement site or be the opposite for the replacement to avoid confusion about "double negatives."

That makes me unhappy, and you already had a solution to that, which was to define a new tag type that allows you to name a group of code, but without the implied "here or not" choice between a section or inverted section. So {{#}} means "Render this group of code if we are given a truthy value for its name," {{^}} means "Render this group of code if we aren't given a truthy value for its name," and {{$}} means "Render this group of code if we aren't given a substitution from a partial, and if we are, render that replacement." This expansion of syntax allows more information to remain "in mustache," as mustache is then expanded to mean more things. This trades away the ability to "replace anything" in the parent template for one that has to be prepared with replacement sites and requires a special idea of what is "default" in the template that is above and beyond just the template itself as it would already exist in mustache as it is today.

I also had a solution to that, which was to not get into the key/value syntax business in the first place and leave those to the implementation's maps. In that world, {{}}, {{#}}, and {{^}} can all be replaced equally naturally when the super (actually just a partial, now) is loaded by the implementation with the use of a map of the tag name->source code replacements that the implementation knows how to find. All that's needed is some rules for how those replacements should be made from the map, assuming this map already exists. This offers "replace anything" capability and retains implementation simplicity by avoiding the addition of any new syntax, but it comes at the cost of requiring that derived templates have some external storage format outside of mustache to store their replacement maps (the spec itself shows that mustache can be very naturally embedded in YAML, for one example). I think we assign different weights to how much we value these things; I don't value having a mustache version of a key/value map that much.

Anyhow, I think your idea for derived templates is great, and I think I'm gonna try adding my version to my mustache implementation just to check it out. I just hope the mustache language stays small and provides a small number of very flexible primitives. The language is pretty much defined by the 5 or 6 special characters that start tags, and I hope the language doesn't expand to many more tags than that, or it'll stop being easy to learn and keep in your head.


I added this feature to Hogan as well as the Ruby implementation (not submitted yet).

It's useful and helps avoid triple stache usage.

In general, I like the fact that the mustache spec is very light, and doesn't add many features, but this is one I'd like to see. In addition to being generally useful, it resolves an issue that has been nagging at me about mustache which is a tendency for markup to get mixed in with logic & data (sort of the opposite of the issue with most templating toos). In particular, this seems to be a problem to me when creating generic re-usable templates that aren't bound to specific data types. Things like form inputs (and the associated markup). Take the following examples:

The thing that bothers me about these templates are that the id, class & href attributes that have to be defined in code to make them re-useable. I would like be able to edit markup unrelated to application data in the templates. With @spullara's inheritance proposal, data could come from the application, and markup could stay in the templates.

inheritance +1


To sum up my assessment: "intolerably inelegant".

Would love to hear more trans. It really works very well for things that mustache is very bad at doing without introducing logic to the templates. What in particular do you find inelegant?

I give Hogan credit for at least using blocks to designate the template, not just a top-line like dust.js. That makes it a little better than I originally thought. (Documentation on this is bit hard to come by. I had to read some terse tests.)

But I also think:

  1. The use of < is a bit too easy to mistake for >.
  2. Dummy text clutters up the layout template, the use of blocks (the $ block) are meaningless.
  3. The use of $ in the layout template seems rather unnecessary anyway. Without it layout templates would be perfectly reusable with or without template inheritance.
  4. Using $ in both the layout template and the content template makes it unclear which is which at a glance.
  5. Why $? B/c it's next to # on the keyboard? Try =, which makes the intent much clearer.

Taken alone each of these points might seem rather trivial, but taken all together it leaves me feel'n a bit too perlismy.

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 11:25 PM, 7rans

I give Hogan credit for at least using blocks to designate the template, not just a top-line like dust.js. That makes it a little better than I originally thought. (Documentation on this is bit hard to come by. I had to read some terse tests.)

But I also think:

  1. The use of < is a bit too easy to mistake for >.

Suggestions? I think the symmetry between the two makes a lot of sense.

  1. Dummy text clutters up the layout template, the use of blocks (the $ block) are meaningless.

That isn't dummy text, it sits in as the default if it isn't overridden.

  1. The use of $ in the layout template seems rather unnecessary anyway. Without it layout templates would be perfectly reusable with or without template inheritance.

They are usable without template inheritance. If not overridden, it is
as if they aren't there.

  1. Using $ in both the layout template and the content template makes it unclear which is which at a glance.

Believe it or not, it started out as $ to indicate that something
could be replaced and = to set it. This was deemed extraneous by all
who reviewed it.

  1. Why $? B/c it's next to # on the keyboard? Try =, which makes the intent much clearer.

$ is the symbol for a variable in many languages. I'm not tied to it.
I'm more than happy to hear alternative syntaxes for the same


Taken alone each of these points might seem rather trivial, but taken all together it leaves me feel'n a bit too perlismy.

Thankfully none of them cut at the meat of the feature but instead are
about syntax.


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#38 (comment)

Suggestions? I think the symmetry between the two makes a lot of sense.

Yes, I think the symmetry, on its face, does seem like a good idea. But on reconsideration I had to agree with another poster in #44. Using a more distinct symbols would give better "contrast", making it a bit easier to read. My idea was to use a combination of # and >, e.g. {{#> layout}}, but that has it's short-comings too. Really this is the least troubling of my points. I can live with it. (I'd just rather not have to!)

That isn't dummy text, it sits in as the default if it isn't overridden.

We don't have such defaults for normal variable substitutions. So why have them for these? Use inverted sections instead (e.g. {{^$title}}). On the other hand, I am not against these per-se, if they can be optional somehow, b/c most of time the default is a YAGNI. What if it used plain variable substitution (e.g. {{title}}), and only use $ notation if a default is needed. This pattern could then apply to normal variables as well, which would be a more useful feature. I don't think there needs to be a distinction between variable substitution and template substitution, and templates would be more flexible/reusable that way.

They are usable without template inheritance. If not overridden, it is as if they aren't there.

But the default would show up, right?

Believe it or not, it started out as $ to indicate that something
could be replaced and = to set it. This was deemed extraneous by all
who reviewed it.

Really? I'm a bit surprised. I invite the distinction so it is immediately recognizable which is which. Also, what happens if you use template inheritance inside another template inheritance?

Aside, was wondering also if a template block could forgo any "slot definitions", in which case it would default to a special name. e.g.

  {{< layout}}
    Just content here, no slot defs.
  {{/ layout}}

template inheritance is a good thing and having default blocks help you not to repeat yourself and have it so you can override them. e.g. a sidebar might he overrided only on a few templates.

Twig template system is very nice. It for PHP framework symfony2.

I am not disputing there value. I just want to see them be as developer friendly as possible.

With regards to defaults, when you need them then yes it's a good thing. Most of time we don't need them, and we end up with silly filler, like {{$title}}Page Title{{/title}}.

  1. The use of < is a bit too easy to mistake for >.

Suggestions? I think the symmetry between the two makes a lot of sense.

What about {{<<super}}? This way it is distinguishable from > and it can also be understood that there is some special kind of input from super (in Bash << represents reading from input until a special line is read).


I would also like to note that template inheritance is the most powerful and useful feature of Django and Jinja2 template engine (check out its goodies). Without template inheritance you mostly end up with chaotic and unreusable templates.

@spullara I'd be interested to know whether your needs would be met by an inheritance pragma...

{{! layout.mustache }}
  <head><title>{{ title }}</title></head>
{{! content.mustache }}
{{% INHERIT layout yield %}}
<div>Hello, {{name}}!</div>
data = { :title => 'Greetings', :name => 'world' }
Mustache.render'content.mustache'), data


    <div>Hello, world!</div>

With the INHERIT pragma taking both a template name (resolved like partials) and an (optional) content name. Suspected behavior is as follows:

  • Content template is rendered normally.
  • Pragma causes the parent template to be fetched and rendered.
    • Parent template is rendered against the the same data content was rendered against
    • Parent template's context stack also includes a reference to the content template, named with the pragma's content name.
  • Multiple inheritance is not supported.
  • Returned result is the top-level template.

This actually isn't close to the way we actually use it. We need:

  1. multiple inhertiance
  2. multiple scoped inclusions per page
  3. various levels of nesting and overriding
  4. multiple replacements in a single parent

Can you give me examples of what those uses actually look like? The only one of those that I feel as if I have a passable understanding of right now is "multiple replacements in a single parent", and that seems more directly expressed with an inheritance hierarchy.

Is there any chance we can see some real-world templates that require that functionality?

I have a few examples of specific use cases for the template inheritance proposed in this issue. A bit of background: At Lulu, we are developing a suite of applications which are independent from one another, but share page layouts and styles.

Here's a gist containing shared parent layouts, a parent layout for a specific app, and a dummy page implemented in a specific app (note that I can't use '/' in the filenames in the gist, so I've used ':' as a path separator instead:

I think these match up with 1 & 3 in Sam's list (assuming I'm understanding his points correctly)

  1. there are 4 levels of inheritance from page.html to about-me.html
  2. about-me.html replaces content several levels up the inheritance heirarchy

Here's another gist with a different use case that's not about page layout, but is about embedding commonly re-used basic layouts in a page multiple times, with different override values for each embedding. Specifically, these are templates for form inputs, and all the associated labels/errors/descriptions/etc, that go with them:

I think these match up with 2 & 4 in Sam's list:
2) datepicker.html is included in the page twice, in the scope of a different object each time
3) the {{$id}} replacements for fields affect both the label's for attribute and the input's id attribute

Thanks @mcheely! Those a great real world examples that mirror the kinds of things that we are doing as well and why we added the feature in the first place.

@mcheely I took your example and adjusted it to use the syntax I think would be most optimal for readability. See

The syntax has a very well defined design. The . is used to indicate an inheritable template. I have chosen . instead of < b/c the later is easy to get confused with <, i.e. "which direction is which?". Then = is used for slot definitions. This differentiates them from substitute sections so templates can be used in other templates. Normal variables are used for slots when there are no defaults, which make the pages more reusable. Lastly, the only difference between # and $ is that the contents of the former are not shown if it is undefined, but just the opposite for the later. This actually gives $ additional use. # could be used for slots too, but the default content would be pointless.

As Handlebars.js has shown us, # does not define a specific construct, only that it is a block form. What it actually is and does depends on what it references. And that's really the key to Mustache's elegance.


imho "rough consensus and running code" favors the syntax proposed by @spullara. the objections/suggestions proposed so far are either bikeshedding or uninformed by implementation.

Any progress on getting inheritance into the spec? We are starting a new project and have chosen mustache as the primary templating engine for server and client side rendering but its hard to accomplish this without basic template inheritance.

@spullara Have you attempted any patches for this? I'm really interested in getting some inheritance into mustache. Without it I'm having a hard time maintaining my templates.

I need to be able to swap out specific "sections" with the child. So for instance I would define a "section" called MENU and then the child inheriting should be able to define/include their own menu and replace the parents'

@sontek This is implemented in at least and hogan.js. What language are you using?

@spullara I'm using mustache.js and pystache but I could switch to hogan.js if it has it. What was the final accepted syntax that I have to implement in pystache?

@sontek I don't think there is a syntax accepted by the spec yet. The ones implemented in hogan.js and are the same though and they match what you find in the gist at the top.

Yeah, I don't mind if its not in the spec, I just need the functionality and would be nice to keep it as consistent as possible.

So there is no tests I can run to verify they are working? Just make sure the gist renders properly?

@sontek None in the spec test format. Though I should probably make a pull request for that — was hoping to wait till it was approved. Here are my tests that might help

@spullara Trying to make a jsfiddle as an example of how to use your inheritance stuff but hogan.js 2.0 doesn't seem to work with it?

@sontek I believe that it was added in 3.0

You are correct, updated to 3.0 and now it all works:

I think @groue's suggestion here: #issuecomment-4026898 is best.

The code from his gist is:

    <head><title>{{{$yield title}}}</title></head>
    <div class="content">

    {{$content_for title}}Profile of {{username}} | Twitter{{/content_for}}
    Here is {{username}}'s profile page

However, sub.mustache has no reference to what layout it wants to use. I think a combination of this and the implementation done by hogan.js is best:

    Page header
      {{$yield content}}
    Page footer

            Profile page for: {{username}}

Also note the use of a filename reference to the layout file. I think this is really obvious move but we should to agree to have it in the spec.

I think it's extremely clear what's going on here. Developers are familiar with the yield keyword, and this really solves a big pain-point with mustache. This is the simplest I've seen through the whole thread and, correct me if I'm wrong, mustache is all about simplicity.

I think the $content_for keyword is a little verbose, but admittedly acceptable.

What are everyone's objections/problems with this solution? @sayrer, what do you feel about the filename convention for partials and layouts for hogan.js? I really wish it had it, been using Mu instead.

I'm not sure why you would add keywords to it and I don't see how you
specify a super template in this. The proposed syntax in the original post
still seems to be the simplest.

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Devin Rhode notifications@github.comwrote:

I think @groue's suggestion here:
#issuecomment-4026898 <#139d8588226e1530_issuecomment-4026898> is best.

The code from his gist is:


<title>{{{$yield title}}}</title>




{{$content_for title}}Profile of {{username}} | Twitter{{/content_for}}
Here is {{username}}'s profile page

I think it's extremely clear what's going on here. Developers are familiar
with the yield keyword, and this really solves a big pain-point with
mustache. This is the simplest I've seen through the whole thread and,
correct me if I'm wrong, mustache is all about simplicity.

I think the $content_for keyword is a little verbose, but admittedly

What are everyone's objections/problems with this solution?

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To me the originally proposed syntax also seems simpler and works good in practice (try it in Mustache.Java).

I think the hogan.js implementation of this works perfectly:

Just need to get it into the spec :)

@spullara layout.mustache is a super template

If I boil it down, I'm requesting we use:

{{$yield title}}

instead of default content:

{{$title}}Confusing default text. You usually will never want this text. Furthermore, it's an opportunity to
confuse the reader to think it's a real template when it's a super template/layout file{{/title}}

I'm confident any developer that's seen a yield before will immediately know: This is a super template.

With default content, the reader can easily get confused into thinking it's a normal template. A yield clearly states this will get filled in by a page using this super layout.

We could also use$= titleinstead of$yield title but the idea is the same.

Again, instead of:

<script type="template/hogan" id="super">
    Somebody's profile page...

<script type="template/hogan" id="child">
        Profile page for: {{username}}

I'm requesting:

<script type="template/hogan" id="super">
  {{$yield content}}
  //OR without the yield:
  {{$= content}}

<script type="template/hogan" id="child">
        Profile page for: {{username}}

If you have an questions please ask, otherwise this is all I have to share for now.

It is a normal template that could be used as a super template. I don't
think it is worthwhile making the distinction.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Devin Rhode notifications@github.comwrote:

@spullara layout.mustache is a super

If I boil it down, I'm requesting we use:

{{$yield title}}

instead of default content:

{{$title}}Confusing default text. You usually will never want this text. Furthermore, it's an opportunity to
confuse the reader to think it's a real template when it's a super template/layout file{{/title}}

I'm confident any developer that's seen a yield before will immediately
know: This is a super template.

With default content, the reader can easily get confused into thinking
it's a normal template. A yield clearly states this will get filled in by
a page using this super layout.

We could also use$= titleinstead of$yield title but the idea is the same.

Again, instead of:

<script type="template/hogan" id="super"> SUPER HEADER {{$content}} Somebody's profile page... {{/content}} SUPER FOOTER</script> <script type="template/hogan" id="child"> {{

I'm requesting:

<script type="template/hogan" id="super"> SUPER HEADER {{$yield content}} //OR without the yield: {{$= content}} SUPER FOOTER</script> <script type="template/hogan" id="child"> {{

If you have an questions please ask, otherwise this is all I have to share
for now.

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@devinrhode2: Why does it look like you are only thinking in 2 layers of template inheritance? Imagine that every part of every template could be extended, even include a partial template that is extended from something and that you could even extend/reuse templates maintained by other people/projects without modifying their code...

Good point @gw0. It seems there's pretty good consensus around the approach taken by hogan.

Anything else can be under a{{%PRAGMA}} option.

I don't understand why others haven't picked up on my point that inherited template rendering does not have to be syntactically different from rendering data. And by not differentiating them, templates become much more reusable.

If someone else wants to feel free to flesh out the tests for this and submit a pull request, otherwise I can hopefully get around to it sooner or later.

@spullara GRMustache provides template inheritance, under the name "overridable partials", since it allows a template to embed several ones.

I'd be happy to get your comments on :

@groue, at first glance your stuff looks pretty good. It's right in line with the layout approach that's already being implemented in a few versions, we can probably use your tests as the spec tests.

@devinrhode2 Thanks for your feedback. Actually, I do not have too much doubt about the "overridable partials" test suite. I'm less sure about the "overridable sections" test suite.

I have added a few tests to the GRMustache overridable partials test suites, that fix some corner cases and assert some internal Mustache consistency:

@spullara, @sayrer: I'd be really pleased getting your feedback, when you have time.

GRMustache 6 has changed the way it renders overridden sections. In Ruby on Rails, multiple <% content_for :foo do %>...<% end %> provide multiple contents for a single <%= yield :foo %>. This is very handy.

You can achieve the same effect with GRMustache:

@groue i've been thinking about this for a bit. does it concatenate in every case? how to I completely override? I was expecting that we would need some additional syntax for specifying overridden vs concatenated values.

Hi @spullara.

does it concatenate in every case?

Yes, it does. The "outermost" overrided section provides default content. It is replaced by the first (in the order defined by the "flattening" of partials) overriding section, and extended by all others.

how to I completely override? I was expecting that we would need some additional syntax for specifying overridden vs concatenated values.

It looks (after a few Google searches) that not many people want to escape the default concatenation mechanism of Rails', and I have assumed concatenation was the way to go.

What do you think?

@spullara I've been realizing lately that your and my GRMustache are the only viable options for writing cross-platform iOS/Android templates.

I've already shipped a few applications that use the exact same set of templates. Those templates use lambdas to embed CSS and javascript files, as well as multi-resolution images. I can't tell you how grateful I am :-)

Your support for {{<layout}} and concurrent rendering also puts you in the very restricted set of Mustache implementations that try to go beyond a spec that hasn't evolved for eons.

What about we would work on improving our compatibility and provide a nice pair of reliable tools. Why not even a set of sample codes that cover the most common use cases?

+1 for this. It's an excellent feature in jinja. I really like the originally suggested solution here too.

Template inheritance has definitely helped with site maintainability in the past few years. It's really the only thing keeping me attached to jinja instead of switching over to a language-neutral solution like mustache, which I think is a really good thing to have. Template inheritance is just too practical to give up.

@joeyespo You may ask the people behind pystache to come here and look at what @spullara and I have done

@groue will do!

@groue @spullara In terms of overriding vs concatenating, for what it's worth, jinja always overrides. However, it also exposes a base value you can use to concatenate if you need to.

For example, the mustache equivalent would look something like this:




{{$title}}Profile of {{username}} | {{$base}}{{/title}}

This will produce "Profile of username | Twitter" by accessing super's $title through the $base variable.

I'm not suggesting it has to be that way, just trying to spark some new ideas since this ultimately lets the user decide without introducing any new syntax. The simple syntax is really what makes jinja so attractive. Yet, it does so without sacrificing flexibility.

Thanks for the suggestion @joeyespo. User feedback is essential in these matters.

My proposed implementation in Mustache.php is identical to @spullara's initial gist, except:

  • It is enabled with a pragma tag ({{% BLOCKS }}).
  • The subtemplate uses the pragma tag to indicate its parent ({{% BLOCKS parent=layout }}).

Having used similar template language features in the past, this one makes the most sense to me, as well as feeling most in line with the logic-less nature of Mustache.

Also, pragmas are awesome. All y'all should use 'em for your non-spec extensions to Mustache :)

You can check out the implementation here.

I think the issue with using pragmas is that they aren't blocks. That isn't
terrible but it does mean you have to break up your pages a lot more with
partials. Good addition to the discussion though and I don't hate your

On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Justin Hileman notifications@github.comwrote:

My proposed implementation in Mustache.php is identical to @spullara's
initial gist, except:

  • It is enabled with a pragma tag ({{% BLOCKS }}).
  • The subtemplate uses the pragma tag to indicate its parent ({{%
    BLOCKS parent=layout }}).

Having used similar template language features in the past, this one makes
the most sense to me, as well as feeling most in line with the logic-less
nature of Mustache.

The {{<super}} tag is problematic because — according to the spec — {{<
foo }} is a synonym for {{> foo }}, meaning it's already used to mean
something else.

Also, pragmas are awesome. All y'all should use 'em for your non-spec
extensions to Mustache :)

You can check out the implementation here

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No, I'm not suggesting using pragmas for the blocks, I'm suggesting using pragmas to toggle the functionality. I'm using {{$ foo }}{{/ foo }} for my blocks.

Check out the first two code blocks bobthecow/mustache.php#130 for examples.

With the current setup, you can have multiple sections that inherit in a single page:


Or even nested within each other. I don't think there is any way to do that with pragmas without breaking up the page.

Gotcha. That's the part where I said the pragma-based single inheritance "feels the most in line with the logic-less nature of Mustache" :)

That said, I'm not completely against it, I just feel like we can get 90% of the good with a simpler implementation, and that feels more "mustache" to me.

I'll get some feedback with some of the folks at Twitter and see what the
customer thinks. You are likely right that this is a reasonable
simplification, however, I do know that some of my current users would have
to modularize their currently templates and i'm not sure if that detracts
from understanding them.

On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Justin Hileman notifications@github.comwrote:

That said, I'm not completely against it, I just feel like we can get 90%
of the good with a simpler implementation, and that feels more "mustache"
to me.

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@bobthecow I'm happy you've joined this feature :-)

GRMustache talks about "overrideable sections" in order to prevent the reader to think single inheritance. Actually it's simpler to implement this way (rather than introducing a whole new concept of real template single inheritance in the code base).

@spullara @bobthecow we should settle something about the behavior of our libs when a section is overrided several times. I don't know how your libs behave. GRMustache used to render the last one, and now it renders a concatenation.

@groue Thanks. I actually implemented it 5 months ago — check the date on that commit :)

I've just been waiting on the Mustache.php v2.2.0 release before opening a PR to discuss it. And that was waiting on a committee to decide how logging would look in PHP. Committee finished, so I released v2.2.0, and now I'm working to get a few things into v2.3.0 that I implemented a while ago (inheritance and anchored lookups).

As far as multiple overrides, I think it's far more intuitive that it actually does override rather than concatenates. It might make sense to expose the parent block as a {{{ parent }}} property or something, but I'm not really happy with that name, so I wouldn't suggest using it :)

it's far more intuitive that it actually does override rather than concatenates

Overriding if of course fundamental. The question is: how should we behave when there are several overrides. A related question is: do we want to help partials to feed a single HTML header section (for injection HTML headers for instance).

The default behavior of content_for/yield in ERB (default template engine of Ruby on Rails) is to concatenate, with quite few requests on stackoverflow of users who want to disable the concatenation.

Ignoring this fact would be stupid. Concatenation is useful.

Based on that, GRMustache overrides and concatenates multiple overrides.

Now I hope that things are a little clearer.

Hi all, this is a pretty old thread but hopefully you are still keeping an eye out for this. Scalate has an implementation for layouts ( which seems very mustache-like and doesn't require using any more further special characters. I wonder if something like that would make more sense to everyone? It definitely is a big need to be able to do this.

@obernal That's an interesting approach, but a little too magic for my taste. It would feel a lot more mustache (to me) to use an explicit tag to denote sections for replacement, rather than parsing the html <body> and <title> tags and such.

For the record, {{<layout}} {{$override}}...{{/override}} {{/layout}} is already implemented, with happy users, by three Mustache engines: hogan.js, spullara/, and groue/GRMustache.

And that is exactly why we chose :) Hopefully this will be added to the spec at some point then. Thanks for the implementations and the discussion!

Thanks @obernal. Don't be too optimistic: the spec hasn't evolved in years, is definitely unmaintained, and no discussions has occurred in months since no decision could never emerge.

@groue @spullara given this:

... what happens to sub.mustache content inside the {{< super }} block but not inside a {{$ replacement }} block?

    {{$title}}Profile of {{username}} | Twitter{{/title}}

@bobthecow It is ignored entirely. This is typically the case of white spaces and new lines around each overridable section.

@bobthecow, if you are interested, here are some slightly more interesting questions you could ask yourself (and compare your solutions to the solutions given by hogan,, and GRMustache):

  • what if a section gets overriden several times in a template ? {{$content}}…{{/content}} {{$content}}…{{/content}}?
  • what if a section gets overriden several times accross several nested layouts?
  • can a partial override a section (given the template T that uses the layout L, can the partial P included in T override a section declared in L) ?
  • can a partial be layout-based ?
  • what if a template contains several {{<super1}}...{{/super1}}...{{<super2}}...{{/super2}} layouts?

You may have your own subtle questions. Bring them on - most of them may be already solved.


  • can replacement sections be nested? In the layout ? In the template ? How does replacement work in this case?
  • what is the nature of the identifier inside a {{$ xxx }} tag? Is it an expression just as in {{# user.items}}...{{/...}} sections? Is it something else?

These are all great questions :)

Do we have anything resembling a spec or acceptance tests for this?

I don't know for hogan.js, but has some tests, and so does GRMustache:

What I can quickly tell you is that @spullara's and GRMustache already have a few divergences:

  • When a section gets overriden several times, GRMustache concatenates their contents (rationale: the analogous mechanism in Ruby On Rail's is their yield/content_for pair. It does concatenate multiple content_for, and there aren't much questions on StackOverflow from people who want to disable the feature - so I guess they hit the sweet spot). does not concatenate. I don't know how it handles multiple replacement sections.
  • GRMustache processes the content of a {{$ xxx }} tag as an expression just as {{# user.items }} (the context stack is extended by the value inside the overridable section). I tend to believe it is a mistake that I will have to fix. It mostly works well, though: I still have to exhibit the undesired behavior.
  • I tend to lean toward not concatenating multiple overrides (but possibly allowing a {{ parent }} or {{ yield }} type value so they can explicitly include the previous value?)

  • I'm with Java on the {{$ foo }} not being added to the context stack. It seems problematic, especially for things like this:

    {{$ title }} {{ title }} | My Awesome Site {{/ title }}

    ... which I can imagine are not uncommon.

Make your own opinion. Anyway, convergence of implementations is far out of sight, with everybody adding "seems", "lean", "doesn't look" and other non-arguments in order to add something to the "discussions" here. At least try to find some minimum common ground, that would be nice for users, our only real targets. Cheers, and good luck.

That common ground is what I'm looking for, hence the questions :)

I'm totally happy switching from my initial single inheritance implementation to the multiple inheritance that seems to be favored, but I'd prefer to see at least some semblance of consensus on how it works.

@spullara has said that he considers his java implementation done and finished. I don't know about hogan.js. My own GRMustache is pretty satisfying also, a lot of work and thought has been put into. Read the three docs, check the three test sets (you've got links to mine above), and pick up your favorite!

I've been lurking in this discussion for a while, and I'd like to see some consensus arise. I feel like there is some talking past each other on the issue of reused content areas. I created a gist outlining the two types of {{$content}} area reuse as I see them, and how I understand they'd be rendered. Can you comment?

@mattdeclaire It looks like you got it. Any precise question? Have you checked the test suites of current implementations?

I got the impression from @bobthecow's comment, regarding override vs. concatenate, that he was referring to my sub-page use case, while you were referring to my alt-page use case. If that was the case, I'm hoping to unclog the process and towards getting this feature implemented (in PHP, where I need it).

Well, ask @bobthecow directly. I do not expect the spec to evolve. None of the spec maintainers, @defunkt, @pvande and @janl have given any sign of life for a long time. None of the interesting issues in this repo, since it became public, was ever given a conclusion - talk about an active spec. Everybody has moved on. Mustache is dead. Some implementations may be still alive: check with them directly, good luck!

Mustache is dead. Some implementations may be still alive.

I mean it. Watch for developers who take care of their users, and are able to go beyond the corpse of a spec.

I'm interested in a cohesive experience between two languages, which is what the spec enforces. Absent activity in the spec, if we can get you guys to agree, and commit to a "side spec", then that works, too. I'd hate to see implementations diverse, when that was the selling point of Mustache in the first place.

I hear an appreciate your devotion to the users. But, I'm a Mustache user, not a MustachePHP or MustacheJS user. Devotion to keeping the teams together is tantamount to taking care of the users. If the spec is dead, then I hope you guys fork it, become maintainers of the New Mustache, and keep collaboration alive.

fwiw, I never worked on the spec, I don’t know why I was added to this repo, this whole thing is a not-paid-for open source so maybe keep your ranting to yourself.

Mustache is very much alive and could totally use engaged people like you to keep it going, so why not redirect some of that energy into a fork and win the world?


Thanks, @janl, for your message.

I'm interested in a cohesive experience between two languages, which is what the spec enforces. Absent activity in the spec, if we can get you guys to agree, and commit to a "side spec", then that works, too. I'd hate to see implementations diverse, when that was the selling point of Mustache in the first place.

My point of view exactly for years, until it became clear nothing would ever happen here. I've been a long way since:

I hear an appreciate your devotion to the users. But, I'm a Mustache user, not a MustachePHP or MustacheJS user. Devotion to keeping the teams together is tantamount to taking care of the users. If the spec is dead, then I hope you guys fork it, become maintainers of the New Mustache, and keep collaboration alive.

I'm an Objective-C developer, a language without any focus on the web and HTML. I don't see myself as a maintainer of a forked spec.

Here is my contribution: I used to make a compilation of feature requests on other repos and stackoverflow, to see what were the most important issues to address. All of them have their answer in GRMustache - thanks to a few versatile hooks that open wide the door to user-injected code - check the FAQ.

Handlebars seems to be a popular fork of mustache. Fwiw they have partials. One of the strengths of a common strength is simplicity. The only problem with feature-loading a fork is it becomes much more difficult to push those features out or re-implement them all from scratch.