musajiya / PackagistArchive

An archive of virtually every PHP repository.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Packagist Archive: 2020-05-30

This archive contains virtually every still-alive and thousands of dead packages published to packagist.

Requirements for inclusion:

  • Uses git as a VCS (hg is not supported)
  • Has either a released packagist version -or- a master branch.
  • Git server was reachable at the time of archival.

Archive Statistics

  • Analyzed 251,894 packages (313.31 GB) out of 259,822 packages recorded in Packagist [7,928 missing].
  • Contains 250,634 packages (99.5%; 176.10 GB) of currently-accessible packages.
  • Contains 3,902 dead packages (many may exist no where else but here). (6.26 GB, 21,477,645 Lines of PHP Code (146,976 classes + 21,218 functions))
  • Analyzed 1.01 billion lines of PHP code. 284.5 million comments.
  • 6.97 million classes, 41.6 million methods, and 778,000 functions.

Not Include

  • All packages in the 99.5 Percential of disk space (51 MB): 1,259 packages.

Notable Projects

Notable Vendors

     vendor      | project_count 
 spryker         |           691
 php-extended    |           341
 irestful        |           331
 fond-of-spryker |           262
 sunnysideup     |           246
 silverstripe    |           226
 thelia          |           216
 heimrichhannot  |           216
 alibabacloud    |           205
 ride            |           205

Most disk space used:

     vendor      | gigabytes 
 php-extended    |      8.79
 khandieyea      |      3.18
 themelogy       |      2.64
 skeeks          |      1.70
 tecnocreaciones |      1.40
 acosf           |      1.28
 rockmelodies    |      1.16
 quatrain        |      1.10
 splash          |      0.99
 i9code          |      0.89
                       23.15 GB [7.4% of total]

Archivist: Theodore R. Smith


An archive of virtually every PHP repository.