muriloventuroso / pdftricks

A simple, efficient application for small manipulations in PDF files using Ghostscript.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Text becomes unselectable after merging

Appeltabak opened this issue · comments

The application uses convert to merge the PDF files, which converts the page into images and therefore making previously selectable text unselectable. Is the there a specific reason why convert is used and not gs, like with the splitting option?

With convert you can include images in the merge. I did not have much success in this kind of operation with gs

When I execute gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=combined.pdf -dBATCH file-1.pdf file-2.pdf I was able to merge two pdf's with images successfully. What went exactly wrong when you tried to merge with gs?

It would not image inside PDF and yes image directly. Merge PDF + PNG. I'm implementing an alternate way to fix this. When there are image files to merge with PDF I will first convert the image to PDF and then merge with the gs.

A, alright, it wasn't obvious to me that images were allowed. Just saw the 'Merge PDF' subtext mentioning it. My bad 😁 Looking forward for your fix