Muriel Pinho (MurielPinho)


Geek Repo

Company:Zuehlke Engineering

Location:Porto, Portugal


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Muriel Pinho's repositories


Built with Python and PyGame this project is an implementation for the Ball Sort Game it uses algorithms such as Breadth First Search, Iterative Deepening and Depth First Search as puzzle solvers and it has multiple additional features such as auto solving and a hint system.



Implementation of Ampel in Prolog language, ampel is a board game for two players with the objective of positioning three discs in a line to match the sequence of a traffic light.



Dungeon Escape is a puzzle game developed as a final Project for the Object Oriented Programming Laboratory class. The main focus of the project was to use Design Patterns to ensure that no OOP principles, like SOLID, are violated.



This project implements a metro ticket management system, it uses a controller class and 3 data classes which have deriving subclasses. It was implemented in C++ and had OOP as it’s main purpose.



This project is a database implementation for the management of a gaming stream service, similar to Twitch. The system is divided into classes and uses Queries Triggers and Restrictions.



Scene developed with Javascript using the WebCGF framework for Computer Graphics course. The scene consisted of multiple objects with materials and textures all built from developed primitives, and one controllable ship with animations. This scene works as a webpage.



This project's goal was implementing the graphical interface for a board game that had its logic implemented in Prolog. This implementation contained : Different scenes containing elements of the game and scenery, Pieces and keyframe animations for them, Different environments and illumination , Game funcionality like difficulty and gamemodes.



WHoWhat is a Realtime polling app where you can create and answer to polls, its main objetive was to serve a medium for presenters and viewers to engage. It was developed using Flutter and Firebase and followed an Agile methodology.



Zweeter is a tweeter clone using React for the frontend and the internet computer blockchain for backend. The project utilizes the power of the motoko programming language to create canister code that accommodates the data model for the app.



This is a C based project that implements a delivery service for a company, it uses real maps as graphs and search algorithms to determine what are optimal paths for the delivery truck(s) to use.



Built with Java the compiler receives Java-- (a subset of Java) code and generates valid JVM (Java Virtual Machine) instructions in the jasmin format, which the jasmin assembler translates to Java bytecodes. The compiler was divided into the following stages: Syntactic error analysis, Semantic analysis, and Code generation.



The project revolved around generating 3 scenes parsed from a XML file and developing 1 game. All scenes contained shapes, textures, materials and lighting which were defined inside a XML which was parsed inside the projects to build the scene, the project is built on Javascript using the WebCGF framework, the last scene which was made for the game used .obj files for the scene and Prolog for the game logic.



This project’s goal was to develop an online shop for tech products using Frameworks such as Laravel and Bootstrap. The development journey is all documented on the Wiki, from the initial concept and Wireflow to the Final working product. The project was divided into components and artefacts representing the different stages of development and they served as checkpoints during the development process, each component has a separate wiki page with information on each artefact. The wiki is hosted on Github.



Euler’s way is a game developed as the final project for a class, integrating all 4 I/O devices and graphs into a puzzle game. Play as a space postman delivering packages throughout the galaxy completing missions by doing eulerian paths through the planets in each mission. The I/O devices implementation is also included in the repository. They were developed in C using the LCF framework provided in the course with Minix 3 as the OS, allowing us to control and set up the I/O devices from Minix.



Implementation of a solver for MultiBalance Puzzle in Prolog language, The Multi-Balance puzzle was created by Erich Friedman. It is a two-dimensional board game where the player must place sequential digits from 1 to N (determined at the beginning of the game) on the board, these digits must be placed in a way that all rules are satisfied. This project solves this constraint-driven problem using Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) class of programming languages.
