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Upload exercises should never show nav tabs

felipecalvo opened this issue · comments

Showing (or not) the navigation tabs (problem, console, extra code, etc) is decided ultimately by the following:

def should_render_exercise_tabs?(exercise, &block)
!exercise.hidden? && (exercise.queriable? || exercise.extra_visible? || block&.call)

Since it's the language the one which decides if the exercise is queriable or not (, the tabs are shown even in exercises with queriable languages that shouldn't have them, such as upload:


This doesn't happen on multiple or single choice exercises because we're creating them with language text, which is not queriable.

Creating upload exercises as text shouldn't be a workaround, because the upload input has an accept field which expects file extensions according to the exercise's language - and we probably don't want a .txt.