mum4k / termdash

Terminal based dashboard.

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How do I change the font size of text charactor?

ETC-kintaka opened this issue · comments

I want to partially resize the text to be displayed.
Is that possible?
I am looking for a method other than segmented display.

I looked for celloption inside godoc but could not find an instruction to achieve font resizing.

I wanted to put up a Question label but could not.

Thank you for reaching out @ETC-kintaka. The font size isn't controlled by Termdash. Termdash runs on top of a terminal that is configured with a particular font size. When Termdash prints characters, they will be printed in the font size configured on the terminal.

To increase the font size, you would have to configure a different or larger font in the terminal emulator.

You are right that the segment display works around it, it draws larger characters. This is achieved by no longer using fonts, but drawing all characters a point at a time.

Thank you for contacting us.
The font size is determined by the font specification in Terminal.
If you want the numbers to appear larger, use the segmented display.

I thank you again.