multiprocessio / dsq

Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more.

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sqlite3 one-liner(ish) for benchmarking

simonw opened this issue · comments

Follows #69 - the README at says sqlite3 can't do one-liners, but it sort-of-can - this works for running the taxi query:

sqlite3 :memory: <<EOS
.mode csv
.import taxi.csv taxi
SELECT passenger_count, COUNT(*), AVG(total_amount) FROM taxi GROUP BY passenger_count

On my MacBook Pro (2.6Ghz 32MB 2019) it takes 12.4s using time, I've not tried with a proper benchmark.

Yeah I just am not considering that a reasonable one-liner. Open to other wording but the popularity of all these tools kind of demonstrates how that is not what everyone is settling for.

This works too:

sqlite3 :memory: -cmd '.mode csv' -cmd '.import taxi.csv taxi' 'SELECT passenger_count, COUNT(*), AVG(total_amount) FROM taxi GROUP BY passenger_count'

That's a good one! And wow it's 4s on my machine. Adding to the list.

Closed in 8f68cde

Turned this into a TIL: - I just found out you can output in different formats too, e.g.:

sqlite3 :memory: -cmd '.mode csv' -cmd '.import taxi.csv taxi' -cmd '.mode markdown' \
    'SELECT passenger_count, COUNT(*), AVG(total_amount) FROM taxi GROUP BY passenger_count'

Which outputs markdown you can embed in an issue like this:

passenger_count COUNT(*) AVG(total_amount)
128020 32.2371511482553
0 42228 17.0214016766151
1 1533197 17.6418833067999
2 286461 18.0975870711456
3 72852 17.9153958710923
4 25510 18.452774990196
5 50291 17.2709248175672
6 32623 17.6002964166367
7 2 87.17
8 2 95.705
9 1 113.6

Really slick, @simonw

Meanwhile I have this cq bash function for interactive use:

# Query a csv file with sqlite
# Usage: cq <csv_file> [<table>]
cq() {
  local csv_file="${1:?Usage: cq <csv_file> [<table>]}" table="${2:-T}"
  sqlite3 -interactive -cmd '.headers on' -cmd '.prompt "\nsqlite> "' \
    -cmd '.mode csv' -cmd ".import '$csv_file' '$table'" -cmd ".mode column"