multi-tenant / grails-multi-tenant-single-db

Multi Tenant implementation for single database environments - Use grails-filtering and grails-hibernate-hijacker

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

deprecate multi-tenant-core / or upgrade core

basejump opened this issue · comments

multi-tenant-foundation (may not be needed if we keep it in single-db, or we can upgrade core)
multi-tenant-separate-db or (multi-tenant-multi-db?? what do you think of name)

other option is to keep the core stuff in single-db and have multi-tenant-separate-db depend on that.

I have a compiling and almost working multi-tenant-separate-db that I can check in.

The only primary change that would be needed if we kept the core in single-db plugin is the have the ability to turn of the registration of the beans for the hibernate events since they would not be needed in a database-per-tenant

kind of long but if we called it multi-tenant-db-per-tenant it would be clear as day what it is.

+1 for "multi-tenant-multi-db" and keep "multi-db" apart "single-db"

Something else to keep in mind is the increasing multi-tenant support built into Hibernate. It would be nice to extract an api / foundation plugin and be able to provide multiple implementations of this based on various providers for a variety of new and old data stores.

Just to be clear, it would be nice to keep the "foundation" plugin unaware of Hibernate