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Winamp skin support

anawolak opened this issue · comments

Hi. Winamp 2.x skins are pretty easy to understand and use (it just a bunch of images with transparent colors). Maybe would it possible to integrate them somehow easily with Sonata?

Do you have an example of such a skin?

Of course. Here's my personal favourite:
Its file format (wsz) is just a renamed zip archive.

Here's great specification doc for skins with all the features:

Also you might want to take a look in winamp2-js project which is fine example of implementing those.

I don't think that all the options are needed obviously. Even basic support just for the looks would be great.

You can probably make a new Gtk theme that overrides the default theme
used by your system, and load it into Sonata.
But the fiddling with widgets' positions probably requires major changes
in Sonata, the layout is not really made to be skinnable, and to be
fair, I have not experience in skinning applications.

I would consider a patch, if you are willing to give it a try :)

But Sonata can't use different theme from the rest of the system, right?

I'm not sure, but I think you can apply a custom theme to a Gtk
There's already a little bit of skinning done with CSS, I guess it can
be extended to something more complex.

Alright, thanks. I'll try to make something out of it, because I'm afraid I won't have time right now for modifying Sonata's core insides, but I'll see what I can discover.