mukyasa / MMPaper

MMPaper [Inspired From Paper by Facebook, Approach to simulate Paper app

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Swift version?

DirkLXX opened this issue · comments

Awesome work! I would love to use it but unfortunately lack the skills to make it work in my Swift project. Would you mind to create a simple swift example that shows how to combine then OjbC parts with Swift. Essentially how to call the MMPaper part via segue from another view.

I tried myself but only to find a big, black view controller with a bunch of small white tiles on it. Latter one where resizable but all the cool stuff was gone:(

Can somebody please help out? Thanks!

Can u send me the your project and Exact requirement what you want?
Also doing a swift version of this will take time.

Mukyasa, thanks for getting back on this one. I was not asking for a rewrite of the project. I think its easy enough (for a beginner) to add the Obj-C code to a swift project. However, what I found tricky was how to use it. I added all the obj-c code to my swift project, made the entries in the bridging header file and also added the views into my storyboard. How to make it show up as (sub)part of my other views, I could not figure out. That's why I was hoping for an example.

I hope this makes more sense now.

Mukyasa, do you think a small swift demo would be doable? or at least a start