muka / go-bluetooth

Golang bluetooth client based on bluez DBus interfaces

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"dbus: connection closed by user" when running discovery example

eeropenttinen opened this issue · comments

First time when I run the example, it works fine and scans available Bluetooth devices.
Second run (after stopping the app with Ctrl C) will print out following:

DEBU[0000] Reset bluetooth device
ERRO[0000] FlushDevices.RemoveDevice dbus: connection closed by user

I added a graceful exit to the example to ensure api.Exit() was called but I got the same issue.

I'm running on following environment:
bluez version 5.48
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Go version 1.12.5

After couple of minutes, the issue disappears for one run, but second run will cause the same issue.

same here

This issue is likely related to this: godbus/dbus#144 - the error is the same.

seeems we need to avoid the conn close until the program ends

I am going to check in the weekend

Thanks. Based on changes in the commit, this will address lot of issues I had with the go-bluetooth library.

Thank you for finding that out!

Please reopen if needed