mugash / scrollreveal.js

Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers.

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ScrollReveal — Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers.

ScrollReveal Demo

ScrollReveal version License

  • 2.7KB minified and Gzipped
  • No dependencies
  • From the heart of @jlmakes

1. Getting Started

1.1. Installation

The simplest method is to copy paste this snippet just before your closing </body> tag (thanks to jsDelivr)

<script src=""></script>

But you can also:

  • Download ZIP
  • npm install scrollreveal
  • bower install scrollreveal

1.2. The Basics

The reveal() method is the primary API, and makes it easy to create and manage various types of animations.

<!-- HTML -->
<div class="foo"> Foo </div>
<div class="bar"> Bar </div>
// JavaScript = ScrollReveal();

1.3. Method Chaining

The ScrollReveal constructor, and it's primary methods all support chaining. = ScrollReveal();

// Is the same as... = ScrollReveal().reveal('.foo, .bar');

2. Configuration

Passing a configuration object to ScrollReveal() changes the defaults for all reveals, and passing reveal() a configuration object customizes that reveal set further.

2.1. Practical Example

// Changing the defaults = ScrollReveal({ reset: true });

// Customizing a reveal set
sr.reveal( '.foo', { wait: 200 } );

2.2. The Starting Defaults

// Animation
origin      : 'bottom',
distance    : '20px',
duration    : 500,
delay       : 0,
rotate      : { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
opacity     : 0,
scale       : 0.9,
easing      : 'cubic-bezier( 0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 1 )',

// Options
container   : null,
mobile      : true,
reset       : false,
useDelay    : 'always',
viewFactor  : 0.20,
viewOffset  : { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
afterReveal : function( domEl ) {},
afterReset  : function( domEl ) {}

2.3. Configuration Details

key type values notes
origin string 'top'
distance string '20px'
Any valid CSS unit will work.
duration number 500 Time in milliseconds.
delay number 0 Time in milliseconds.
rotate object/number { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } Starting angle in degrees.
opacity number 0 Starting opacity.
scale number 0.9 Starting scale.
easing string 'ease'
Any valid CSS easing will work.
container node document.getElementById('foo')
mobile boolean true / false Toggle animations on mobile
reset boolean true / false Elements reveal either once, or reset to reveal each time they are within viewport/container bounds.
useDelay string 'always'
Control when elements use animation delay.
viewFactor number 0.20 e.g. 20% of an element must be within viewport/container bounds before it reveals.
viewOffset object/number { top: 48, bottom: 24 } Increase viewport/container bounds in pixels. (See Diagram)
afterReveal function function( domEl ) {} Fires after reveal animations.
afterReset function function( domEl ) {} Fires after reset animations.

3. Advanced

3.1. Override Configurations

reveal() is equipped to handle calls on the same element, so it's easy to override element configuration.

<div class="foo"> Foo </div>
<div class="foo" id="chocolate"> Chip </div>
var fooReveal = {
  delay    : 200,
  distance : '90px',
  easing   : 'ease-in-out',
  rotate   : { z: 10 },
  scale    : 1.1
}; = ScrollReveal()
  .reveal( '.foo', fooReveal )
  .reveal( '#chocolate', { delay: 500, scale: 0.9 } );

3.2. Custom/Multiple Containers

The default container is the viewport, but you assign any container to any reveal set.

Tip: ScrollReveal works just as well with horizontally scrolling containers too!

<div id="fooContainer">
  <div class="foo"> Foo 1 </div>
  <div class="foo"> Foo 2 </div>
  <div class="foo"> Foo 3 </div>

<div id="barContainer">
  <div class="bar"> Bar 1 </div>
  <div class="bar"> Bar 2 </div>
  <div class="bar"> Bar 3 </div>
var fooContainer = document.getElementById('fooContainer');
var barContainer = document.getElementById('barContainer'); = ScrollReveal()
  .reveal( '.foo', { container: fooContainer } );
  .reveal( '.bar', { container: barContainer } );

3.3. Asynchronous Content

The sync() method updates asynchronously loaded content with any existing reveal sets.


<!-- index.html -->
<div id="container">
  <div class="foo">foo</div>
  <div class="foo">foo</div>
  <div class="foo">foo</div>

<!-- ajax.html -->
<div class="foo">foo async</div>
<div class="foo">foo async</div>
<div class="foo">foo async</div>
var fooContainer, content, sr, xmlhttp;

fooContainer = document.getElementById('fooContainer');

sr = ScrollReveal();
sr.reveal( '.foo', { container: fooContainer } );

// Setup a new asynchronous request...
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if ( xmlhttp.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) {
    if ( xmlhttp.status == 200 ) {

      // Turn our response into HTML...
      var content = document.createElement('div');
      content.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
      content = content.childNodes;

      // Add each element to the DOM...
      for ( var i = 0; i < content.length; i++ ) {
        fooContainer.appendChild( content[ i ]);

      // Finally!
}'GET', 'ajax.html', true);

4. Tips

4.1. Order Matters

It’s important that ScrollReveal be called (as close to) last in your page as possible, so that:

  • Elements on the page have loaded
  • Any other 3rd party libraries have had a chance to run
  • Any other styles added to your elements wont be overwritten


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <!-- All the things... -->

    <script src="js/scrollreveal.min.js"></script>
    <script> = ScrollReveal();

4.2. Improve User Experience

In most cases, your elements will start at opacity: 0 so they can fade in. However, since JavaScript loads after the page begins rendering, you might see your elements flickering as they begin rendering before being hidden by ScrollReveal's JavaScript.

The ideal solution is to set your reveal elements visibility to hidden in the <head> of your page, to ensure they render hidden while your JavaScript loads:

Continuing our example from 4.1.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      // If JavaScript is enabled, add '.js-enabled' to <html> element
      /* Ensure elements load hidden before ScrollReveal runs */
      .js-enabled .fooReveal { visibility: hidden; }

      <!-- All the things... -->

    <script src="js/scrollreveal.min.js"></script>
    <script> = ScrollReveal();

Note: If you prefer not to put styles in the <head> of your page, including this style in your primary stylesheet will still help with element flickering since your CSS will likely load before your JavaScript.

4.3. Add Perspective to 3D Rotation

ScrollReveal supports 3d rotation out of the box, but you may want to emphasize the effect by specifying a perspective property on your container.

Continuing our example from 4.2.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      .js-enabled .fooReveal { visibility: hidden; }
      .fooContainer { perspective: 800px; }

    <div class="fooContainer">
      <div class="fooReveal"> Foo </div>
      <div class="fooReveal"> Foo </div>
      <div class="fooReveal"> Foo </div>

    <script src="js/scrollreveal.min.js"></script>
    <script> = ScrollReveal();
    sr.reveal( '.fooReveal', { rotate: {x: 65} } );

5. Appendix

Open source under the MIT License. ©2014–2016 Julian Lloyd.

5.1. Issues and Reporting Bugs

Please search existing issues, before creating a new one; every issue is labeled and attended carefully. If you open a duplicate issue, it will be closed immediately.

If you cannot find your issue/bug in a previous ticket, please include details such as your browser, any other 3rd party JavaScript libraries you are using, and ideally a code sample demonstrating the problem. (Try JSBin)

5.2. Contributing

Feeling inspired? Please contribute! Optimizations, compatibility and bug fixes are greatly preferred over new features, but don’t be shy. One thing sorely missing from ScrollReveal right now is a test suite.

5.3. Showcase

Here are some cool sites using ScrollReveal:

Want to see your page here? Please send me your work (or of others) using ScrollReveal on Twitter (@jlmakes)

5.4. Special Thanks

ScrollReveal was inspired by the talented Manoela Ilic and her cbpScroller.js.


Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%