muffinmad / emacs-mini-frame

Show minibuffer in child frame on read-from-minibuffer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

kill-buffer prompt gets truncated oddly

n-hebert opened this issue · comments

Install & Config

  (use-package mini-frame
    (setq mini-frame-resize nil)
    (mini-frame-mode +1)
         '((top . 0.3)
           (width . 0.5)
           (left . 0.5)
           (height . 10)))))

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a buffer
  2. Type some text
  3. C-x k and select this buffer

Expected Result

It shows the prompt to the user: "Buffer $BUFFER modified; kill anyway?" etc etc

Actual Result

It says yway? (yes/no/save and then kill) and it's a little confusing. A user can't really answer.


What is completion package used in screenshot? How the prompt looks like with mini-frame mode turned off and with Emacs frame smaller width?

That would be selectrum, and here it is without mini-frame mode:

Good thinking!
So it seems to be related to selectrum and the window width, not strictly mini-frame 😮

Any tips? I can go file an issue over there, if that sounds like the best plan of action.

p.s. For now increasing the width of the mini-frame is indeed a work-around for this particular prompt. A more general solution would require a code change, of course, on emacs itself, mini-frame, or selectrum.

I think it should be handled in selectrum itself. Emacs shows the full prompt.
Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 10 07 06

Sounds good, I'll file something over there. Cheers!