muesli / thunder

BoltDB's Interactive Shell

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't ls binary key names

elisaado opened this issue · comments

Hi, when I'm trying to ls I get

[blog.db /User/__storm_index_ID] # ls
25 keys in bucket (25 omitted in this list)
[blog.db /User/__storm_index_ID] #  

This means that the keys' names in this bucket aren't displayable, e.g. because they are binary values / encoded. I'm still looking for good ideas how to handle such situations. For example we could assign names like 'binarykey_1'.

Oh, I see. A good idea might be an option to ls (e.g. ls -a) to force display it but converted to a string. Assigning names is probably the best idea.

Should I keep this issue open? I thought about closing it when we have some kind of way to display them.

Yeah, keep it open, please. We should definitely improve the situation.