muesli / markscribe

Your personal markdown scribe with template-engine and Git(Hub) & RSS powers 📜

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

exclude certain entries

Milo123459 opened this issue · comments


I just want to exclue some entries from the recent contributions thing. Would be cool.

You can actually do this already (it is basic Go templates stuff) for example like this:

#### 👷 Check out what I'm currently working on
{{range recentContributions 10}}
{{- if eq .Repo.Name "skoenig/this-should-not-be-shown" "skoenig/this-also-not" }}
{{- else }}
- [{{.Repo.Name}}]({{.Repo.URL}}) - {{.Repo.Description}} ({{humanize .OccurredAt}})
{{- end}}
{{- end}}