muesli / markscribe

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[documentation] API scope

arthurlutz opened this issue · comments

After regenerating the token, I get :

Can't render template: template: tpl:13:8: executing "tpl" at <recentContributions 10>: error calling recentContributions: Something went wrong while executing your query. Please include `0400:54D9:31B115A:5FB5358:60D04DFE` when reporting this issue.

I think I messed up the scope of the API token, not giving it enough access.

Screenshot from 2021-06-21 10-43-03

What's the minimal API scope that one has to give for recentContributions to work ?

Seems that changing :

Screenshot from 2021-06-21 10-48-37

Solves the recentContributions template.

Added some more documentation to the README.