muesli / markscribe

Your personal markdown scribe with template-engine and Git(Hub) & RSS powers 📜

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sponsor from org is not processed

crazy-max opened this issue · comments


First of all thanks for this lib. I use it through your readme-scribe action and it works pretty well except for one thing. If an org sponsors me, the User entity is empty and so displayed as anonymous on my readme.

I think you have to take into account the Organization object in the Sponsor entity.

I fully blame this bug on no org sponsoring me so far! 😆

In all seriousness tho: thanks for reporting this issue! I'll see what I can do, but it'll probably be hard for me to actually test it. Any help would be appreciated here!


Any help would be appreciated here!

I haven't looked at the code yet but if you need to test it don't hesitate to tell me!