muellerzr / Practical-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-2.0

Notebooks for the "A walk with fastai2" Study Group and Lecture Series

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Learn.sumary() error in 06-Object_detection.ipynb notebook

DaraSamii opened this issue · comments

in the Practical-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-2.0, in the Computer Vision Folder, notebook 06_Object_detection.ipynb after creating
learner , executing learn.summary() raises an error.
in learn.predict , learn.show_results and learn.get_preds the same error raises.
Please help.

Note that I used this two versions of fastai and fastcore with out them. and with full updated fastai the learn = Learner(...) raises an error too!

What is your version of fastai? You need the version of fastai that goes with the fastcore version for things to not break. Ex fastcore is currently at 1.3.26. The fastai version likely to work with 1.3.2 is fastai version 2.1.4 or 2.1.5, which is quite outdated.

I have tried all fastai and fastcore versions in all of them this specific error raised. from fastai==2.0.0 upto fastai==2.5.2 and all fastcores. I noticed the notebook has been puplished on Aug 2020 so I revised the fastai and fastcore to that date and but again this error raised.
I Saw the tutorial page and saw this:
anth the link:
I wanted to know is this problem solved?

First, please do note that really this questions should be on the walk with fastai repo,

Re: show_results and predict, no, it won't be. This includes summary as well. Only what is shown in the notebook can I guarantee work.

Currently it does seem like the loss function is broken due to torch bits. The solution should be to install the specific fastai version stated at the beginning of the lesson, as that is what I can guarantee it runs on.