mubaris / motivate

:zap: motivate :zap: - A simple script to print random motivational quotes. Highly influenced by linux command fortune.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add more quotes.

mubaris opened this issue Β· comments

@mubaris i am working on this.
BTW how much quotes should i add ?

Minimum of 20 πŸ˜„

I've opened a PR with some quotes for you. Let me know if I need to restructure them. Hopefully they won't collide with @harryjas's work.

If you are adding more quotes, add 20 quotes in a new json file in data folder. Then make a PR

can more quotes still be added?. I would like to add more.

Great. on it

okay..will add in a new json file..

I would like to contribute to this project βœ‹

Best way to get started is to add more quotes. Fork the repo and add new json file containing 20 quotes. Then send a PR. πŸ˜„

I've come up with more quotes. Please have a look at it. πŸ˜„

@mubaris I would like to contribute to this.

i would like to contribute

This project is awesome! I would like to contribute to this
(even though I'm in the beginner level lol).

1st step: Play with it (installing now). :D
2nd step: Find 20 quotes and figure out how to make a json file (I know I should put it into the data folder.)
3rd step: PR - pull a request

I haven't contributed a project on Github before. Although I've already read articles related to "how to contribute to open source projects", you guys can correct me if I do something wrong. >"<

@EveChen you are good to go.... Awesome!

I added some quotes from famous artists about what motivated them to get work done.

@dhanya1 @Curchel Everyone is welcome to contribute. πŸ˜„

I'm on it too!

Go us!

Is there a need for more quotes

You're always welcome to add more quotes.

hi there, I would like to also participate in this :). How I can do it?

@Pr00bit you can create a new JSON file following the naming format and add a minimum of 20 quotes... :)

hi thanks for explanation. Just would have small question - in which location the Json file needs to be upladed/created?

OK.....I think there are many dynamics to this. However, when i contributed, I create a JSON file in the "data" folder which is in the "motivate" folder.

Thanks for hint, will try to create Json file then :)

Hi @mubaris , I added 20 more quotes to the data folder and followed this article on how to contribute. Let me know if this is okay :)

Hello, Can I add to this?

You can use this scrapper to extract more quotes from good reads -


How about automating it to collect quotes by itself? @mubaris

If you have a solution, Please share and make a PR

Please check my PR, maintainer. Thanks for the opportunity.

i will add more quotes too #first_timer

@mubaris can more motivate quotes still be added?.
I would like to add more.

Hi, I added more quotes and just created my first pull request. Thank you for the opportunity and hopefully it's all good. :)

Hi, this project seems great. I am a first timer and was looking for a place to start. I went through the community chat here and this community seems great. Ill try to add a few more quotes. Glad to be a part of this !


I just got an idea. We can create a screenlet/widget of this app and run it during startup. Every 15 min new quotes come up. So it sticks around the desktop in a corner. A constant Motivation ;)

How's the idea ? Should I work on this ?

@AbhishekVarghese Your idea sounds awesome. If you can work on that, I'll be so glad. If you need any help, just ping me.

Sent a PR #82
This is my first ever PR ;)
Thanks for letting me work on this :)

Please have look at #88
It's my first time commenting on an issue.

Hi guys, just a quick question / tip.

I'm working on a similar project (, a simple website to display quotes.

I'm using as a source for quotes and I was wondering if you'd like to use it as well or if you prefer to stick with hand picked quotes.

Instructions for OpenCode '18 Participants

You can add multiple JSON files, but you get points only once

I would like to add more quotes! is it still open to contribution?

Can I add more quotes

@GOVINDDIXIT You're welcome to add more quotes, but no more points will be awarded

OK, No Problem

Im a new contributer, can i add more quotes?


Hi! I am also a new contributor, can I add in new quotes as well? :)


Can I add more quotes?

I put in a PR with more quotes if you want to accept it :)

Hello @mubaris may I add some quotes?

Hey @mubaris I added a PR #142 if you want to accept :)!

Hi @mubaris , I want to contribute also, working on it ...

Hey @mubaris I'd like to contribute as well

Hey @mubaris , I would like to contribute to the project with 20 more quotes.

Hey @mubaris , I'd like to contribute to this project.

Hi @mubaris, I created a PR after adding a new set of 20 quotes in a valid JSON file. Please have a look! Thank you!

Hello, I'd like to contribute 45 quotes if you still need them. Thank you!

Just created a PR with a new json file of quotes. It's my first PR, so please let me know if you have any suggestions! Thanks!

Hi, I am very new at this, but would like to contribute!
I guessed the best way to get started is to play around with it first, then fork-> add a new JSON with 20 or so quotes-> ask for PR
hope it works
please let me know if I am on a wrong track 🀞 😬

@mubaris I want to contribute too.

Hi I would like to contribute too!

Any plan to display quotes in other languages?

Just made a pull request! My first one, please let me know if there are any issues/mistakes :)

Hi! I've added 20 new quotes in the PR #210
Great project!

I want to add quotes to this project.But it is saying permission denied.Could you help please.

I would like to start on this as well - I forked the repo. Should I try adding the quotes now?

I would like to contribute to this. Why are we manually adding quotes? We can randomize it. Just a thought :)

Interested. Agreed with Deb23, would be good to have an API provide quotes on the fly. Either it can scrap off quotes from motivational sites or use some existing quotes API for the same

I would like to contribute!

This is an interesting project.Can i join to contribute?

I would like to contribute to this project. Why don't we consume API that provides motivational quotes in real-time rather than adding and maintaining a manual inventory? Checkout some API link

Lets do it !

Hi, I'd like to contribute to this repo as well.

Added 20 new comments. @mubaris

Added 20 quotes #337

Greetings, I'd like to contribute to this repo (beginner level). This is uplifting and motivating.

I would like to contribute to this

Hi, I'm also contributing! Hooray! Gonna make my first PR.

Hello, adding my contribution here! #384

Hi, everyone! I just did my first PR here. #393

I want to do this!

Is this still an active issue?

what if we setup a scrapper bot to fetch the quotes from a well know quote site??? in that way we can have so many quotes

Added one more for Dennis Ritchie (DMR) #411

@hydeenoble @salmannotkhan
There is some support for that:

For example:

$ python -c 'from quotes_api import ForismaticAPI; import json; print(json.dumps(ForismaticAPI().get_random_quote(), ensure_ascii=False))' motivate/
# Output manually reformatted, because github does not wrap long lines ;)
  'quote': 'Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it.',
  'author': 'Leonardo da Vinci'

Hi, I would like to contribute to it.

Hi, I would like to contribute to it

Hi, this is my first PR here. #419

Hey everyone !!

As, this project is not actively maintained now, I've forked it and updated it for the contributors here. This is the concerned issue.
PRs are welcome πŸŽ‰.

There is also a new gitter community room for chat in case anyone needs help or to communicate with each other. πŸ‘

There are some of you who've already opened PR here, for them:

Just open a new PR with base avats-dev/motivate like below:
change base

For them who are new:

This new repo is active, and I'm maintaining this. Feel free to drop a message on gitter chat if you're stuck or need help.

I would add instructions for FIRST TIMERS in a short while to assist them and get started with OPEN SOURCE.

Thanks everyone for contributions. ❀️