mubaidr / vue-chrome-extension-boilerplate

Deprecated! Boilerplate for Chrome extension using Vue.js and Webpack with auto-reload enabled.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Logo Proporsal

tjulises opened this issue · comments

Hi @mubaidr ,

My name is Ulises or TJ if you like,
i'm a graphic designer and I contribute to cool projects (open source) like this one!
if this is something that you're looking forward to, I'll gladly upload some logo proposals

I'll look forward for your reply, cheers!


Hello TJ! That would be great!

I do need logos for some other opensource projects, I will tag you. Thank you


I'd also like to ask some questions (towards the logo-making)

What's the name that should be displayed on the logo, If there should be any.

How would you describe this project,
what is it intended to do?

What would you like this logo to transmit?

this little details are going to help me transmit what it's supposed to.

I'll look forward for your reply, cheers!

The main thing is: Boilerplate for Chrome extension using Vue.js

So anything you like and that can represent this line is good.