muan / scribble

:tomato: A Jekyll theme.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool links borked

jdkram opened this issue · comments

Hi! Some borked links in your sample

Fixed version:

Give people something to read and get to know you. Here's my attempt: this is [Mu-An](, a designer developer who lives in London at the moment. 

Tweet at [@muanchiou](, read my code on [GitHub](, see my designs on [Dribbble](, find my CV on [LinkedIn](

This theme is made by me. You have a nice day. ♥

Sorry for not forking and pulling, already forked for my own website. Some sentences only make sense on Github.


Have a nice day now ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

ˋ(°▽ ° )ノˋ( ° ▽°)ノ Thank you for the issue.
It's really nice that you kept my about text, but seriously do not feel bad for removing it. <( ′▽`)ノ