muame-amr / EmoTwit

Real-time Malay Tweet Sentiment Analysis Web Application using RNN with DL4J

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Sentiment Analysis Web Application

Real time sentiment analysis web application
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. License
  5. Contact
  6. Acknowledgments

About The Project


EmoTwit builds and uses classifiers based on neural networks to analyze tweets for emotions in real time and classifies them as positive or negative. Then it generates a sentiment score based and percentage of positiveor negative tweets. No more filling out spreadsheets for sentiment analysis. Read more details on neural network here. API Docs can be find here.

Built With

Getting Started

All datasets, vector models and neural network models can be downloaded here.


NextJS & ChakraUI

  • NodeJS
  • Any code editor e.g. VSC, Atom

Deeplearning4J & Quarkus

  • Java Developer Version
  • Apache Maven
  • IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse
  • Git


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Insert datasets and models into sentiment-analysis-model\src\main\resources folder (create directory if doesn't exist)
  3. Open project in IntelliJ IDEA
    • Train model:
      1. Open sentiment-analysis-model/ project
      2. Ensure the dataset and models path in sentiment-analysis-model\src\main\java\model\word2vec\ and sentiment-analysis-model\src\main\java\model\RNN\ files are correct.
      3. Run to train word vectors and to train text classification model
    • Start back-end server:
      1. Open twitter-rest-api project
      2. Create files in project root directory
      3. Write these details inside that file:
      oauth.consumerKey= <your-consumer-key>
      oauth.consumerSecret= <your-consumer-secret>
      oauth.accessToken= <your-access-token>
      oauth.accessTokenSecret= <your-token-secret>
      1. Open terminal in IntelliJ and start quarkus server:
      quarkus dev
  4. Launch website
    1. Open webapp folder and install all packages
    npm install
    1. Launch web server
    npm run dev



EmoTwit is a twitter analyzer powered by Artificial Intelligence to read the emotions in your tweets. Simply input the tweet you want to analyse to discover what kind of mood it suggests. You don't even have to have an account or write a new tweet, just copy and paste it into the app and we'll analyze it for you. It's that easy!


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


Your Name - @mu4m3 -

Project Link:


  • Malaya Semi-Supervised Malay Tweets Datasets by Husein Zolkepli
  • Malaysian Text from Twitter Datasets by Husein Zolkepli
  • Malaysia Wiki Word Vectors by Asyraf Azlan

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Real-time Malay Tweet Sentiment Analysis Web Application using RNN with DL4J

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 71.8%Language:Java 19.4%Language:JavaScript 6.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 1.5%Language:CSS 0.5%