mtyn / polar

A light colour scheme inspired by / heavily based on Nord

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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I feel dumb asking this as I'm certain I just missed them somewhere, but I can't find any screenshots. A previous issue mentioned them so they must be here, but I've looked everywhere I could think to look and I don't see any. Are there any, here or elsewhere?

Hey! Thanks for raising this - this is a result of me starting to move around some stuff and not finishing it! There are screenshots for some of the theme ports in the respective folders, but some are missing.

I'll try to fix everything back to a better state to make these easier to find (and add them back to the README!)

Oh, I see a few now. I only checked a few port folders; I was expecting screenshots in all or in none.

Having seen them, with respect, they really suck. VS Code is showing Markdown, which is mostly unhighlighted; JetBrains is showing JSON, specifically a long vertical table, which is all highlighted the same; and tmux isn't showing much of anything.

Xcode is decent, since we get to see the full palette and fonts, and we get a good idea of how our own code will look. My suggestion is more of that for the editors (can even be the exact same code), and perhaps a benchmark or similar for the terminals. (I only use a universal dark mode so I can't help you on the browsers.)