mtxr / vscode-sqltools

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Unable to connect with "Drivers XXXX is not installed"

ctrlShiftBryan opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When I upgrade from 0.21.9 to 0.22.2

['ext:error-handler'] Error opening connection Driver PostgreSQL is not installed
['ext:error-handler:verbose'] [ResponseError: Driver PostgreSQL is not installed
	at /Users/barendt/.vscode/extensions/mtxr.sqltools-0.22.2/extension.js:16:111673
	at /Users/barendt/.vscode/extensions/mtxr.sqltools-0.22.2/extension.js:16:112080
	at Immediate.<anonymous> (/Users/barendt/.vscode/extensions/mtxr.sqltools-0.22.2/extension.js:16:112622)
	at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:439:21)
	at process.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:131:23)] {
  code: -1,
  data: { driver: 'PostgreSQL', driverOptions: {} }

I cannot connect to any postgres databases.

['ext:error-handler'] Error opening connection Driver MySQL is not installed
['ext:error-handler:verbose'] [ResponseError: Driver MySQL is not installed
	at /Users/barendt/.vscode/extensions/mtxr.sqltools-0.22.2/extension.js:16:111673
	at /Users/barendt/.vscode/extensions/mtxr.sqltools-0.22.2/extension.js:16:112080
	at Immediate.<anonymous> (/Users/barendt/.vscode/extensions/mtxr.sqltools-0.22.2/extension.js:16:112622)
	at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:439:21)
	at process.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:131:23)] {
  code: -1,
  data: { driver: 'MySQL', driverOptions: {} }

I also get the same error conencting to MySQL. Downgrading to 0.21.9 fixes the issue.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Simply upgrade and try to connect to any database.

Expected behavior
It should allow me to connect to databases.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • SQLTools Version 0.22.2
  • VSCode Version: 1.45.1
  • Driver Used/Version: PostgreSQL 9 & MySQL 6
  • OS: mac

I'll work to make this message better, but you can use v0.22 and install the driver needed to use it from here:

Thank you

@mtxr your link allows downloading the following drivers:
What about community drivers, e.g. Cassandra driver?

Hi I'm having the exact same issue, but installing the drivers didn't solve it...
for some reason, the extension can't find them..


  • SQLTools v0.22.3
  • SQLTools PostgreSQL/Redshift Driver v0.0.2
  • VSCode v1.45.1
  • OS: Windows + Ubuntu 20.04 (WSL2)

I rolled back to v0.22.2 and got the same messages as @ctrlShiftBrian. I rolled back another time to v0.21.9 and it fixed the issue...

I found v0.21.9 was the last version not popping this error. And i found some time i can execute the query directly in the *Session.sql file since there are those buttons, but in v0.21.9 i only got the button Detach file from *db.
屏幕快照 2020-06-02 下午6 35 35

Hi I'm having the exact same issue, but installing the drivers didn't solve it...

  • SQLTools v0.22.3

  • SQLTools PostgreSQL/Redshift Driver v0.0.2

  • VSCode v1.45.1

  • OS: Windows 10

Only rollback to version 0.21.7 helps.

The problem is resolved for me by rolling-back the driver extension.
I only have this problem on sqltools-driver-mysql 0.0.2

@mtxr your link allows downloading the following drivers:
What about community drivers, e.g. Cassandra driver?

@stasberkov they will be releasing this driver soon. Still work in progress. If you need those drivers while they are working on that, you need to roll back to v0.21.x.

You can follow up the integration here: #586

Need support for OrableDB

Need support for Cassandra

Driver OracleDB is not installed. :-(
What to do ?