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SQLTools collapsible sections are under "Source Control" and the SQLTools tab is missing

natperron opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Historically, SQLTools had it's own tab/icon on the left that included its own sections (connections, query history and bookmarks). Now, those sections are under "Source Control" for some reason, which doesn't make sense.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open VSCode
  2. Notice the lack of the tab for SQLTools
  3. Go to "Source Control" tab
  4. Notice that SQLTools sections are present

Expected behavior
The sections about SQLTools should be in their own section, as it was before


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • SQLTools Version [e.g. v0.28.1]
  • VS Code Version: [e.g 1.85.2]
  • OS: Linux (Arch Linux)
  • Driver:
    • PostgreSQL/Redshift
    • MySQL/MariaDB
    • MSSQL/Azure
    • SQLite
    • Other? Which...
  • Database version: PostgreSQL

Additional context
I noticed this issue about a week ago, but it was probably like that for a bit longer (perhaps a few more weeks earlier). It took me a while to even find where they were, as I thought they were simply removed.

It looks like you maybe accidentally dragged the SQLTools icon from Activity Bar and dropped it into Side Bar while that was displaying Source Control.

To revert this please right-click on each of the SQLTOOLS: xxx sections in your screenshot and choose Reset Location.

@gjsjohnmurray Not sure how that happened in the first place, but thank you! That worked