mtve / yazecminer

yet another ZEC miner

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mining in browser

walruzperil opened this issue · comments

Hello, thanks for greade work. Can you explain, i see in static folder js miner. How i can use it. If run index.html in concole i see (index):54 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404.

wow i see need AnyEvent and Protocol::WebSocket:
how i can install in on ubuntu?

you need to run perl script that works as a webserver, serving static files from /static folder and websocket for mining.

you don't need to install these modules, it's optional.

its runing now, thank you. It possible make same miner for cryptonight algo?

and why you use POOL_WORKER_NAME => 't1Vm6PbF2ZkSLshWHKwLqxD7oU6TgEDX5nV.js',
dot js?

It possible make same miner for cryptonight algo?

yes, i think it's possible.

why you use .js

just to see different instances as separate miners on the same wallet, it's flypool's notation.

Thank you. I will wait cryptonight js miner. :) Zec is not very suitable for CPU...