mtuann / Android-MVI-LiveData

Mode View Intent architecture + LiveData + ViewModel and Unidirectional Process Event

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MVI architecture patterns, MVI + LiveData + ViewModel

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  • The process of intent will be following:
  1. Create an action/ event (intent like touch a button)
    • Action will be process by Single Live Event, process each event each time
  2. Process an action (this will change the model, data in app). There are 2 types of data:
    • Data fire-and-forget (for example - Toast)
    • Data that will save for other purpose
  3. Render view by listening there will be change in the data (LiveData). There are also 2 types of render:
    • Render Effect (just like Toast, Snackbar,.. for data fire-and-forget)
    • Render State (corresponding to other data)


Mode View Intent architecture + LiveData + ViewModel and Unidirectional Process Event


Language:Kotlin 100.0%