mtkennerly / ludusavi

Backup tool for PC game saves

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unrecognized game: `Return to the Obra Dinn`

mainrs opened this issue · comments


Ludusavi version


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Installation method



I installed the game via Lutris. I used the GOG (Auto) version. The game natively only runs on Windows. The wiki has the entry correctly listed for Windows. However, the game is not picked up by ludusavi.


/home/me/.local/share/Steam (Steam)
/home/me/.var/app/net.lutris.Lutris/data/lutris (Lutris)

The log file does not mention contain the words obra dinn at all. The game manifest of the game inside the Lutris config directory has a slug, name and game_slug property. The prefix property inside of game is missing. Is that the same problem as I had before in #309?


No response

The prefix property inside of game is missing. Is that the same problem as I had before in #309?

Yeah, this sounds like the same issue, unfortunately. Would you be able to check the Lutris pga.db to see which table/column has the prefix path (or email a copy to me and I can check: I'll see if I can work on #209 for the next release.

The log file does not mention contain the words obra dinn at all.

You should see some if you turn on debug or trace logging: RUST_LOG=ludusavi=trace ludusavi backup --preview "Return to the Obra Dinn"


The game is found, I get this output:

$ flatpak run --env=RUST_LOG="ludusavi=trace" com.github.mtkennerly.ludusavi backup --preview "Return of the Obra Dinn"

  Games: 0
  Size 0 B
  Location: /home/john/ludusavi-backup

The Lutris database does not contain any column with the name prefix or similar. Notable information I have found:

  • Table games contains columns id (autoincrement), name, slug, installer_slug, platform, runner, executabe, directory, configpath. non exhaustive. platform=Windows, runner=wine, directory=/home/john/Games/gog/return-of-the-obra-dinn (the directory that contains the .reg files and the c_drive folder), configpath=<filename of the lutris game config file without the extension>.
  • Table service_games contains a row for the game as well. This holds the service's metadata I think. In this case, data fetched from GOG directly. It also has a details column that contains JSON (that's why I concluded that) and a lutris_slug column that references the slug under which the game is available in the games table.

The save files are under the same path inside the wine prefix as they are mentioned in the Windows section on pcgamingwiki: /drive_c/Users/john/AppData/LocalNow/3909/ObraDinn.

Do you need more information?

Thanks! That's exactly what I needed :) Give me a few days, and I'll try to get a build for you to try out that will read the data from pga.db.

I have a build ready for testing. Any feedback would be great:

If you usually use Flatpak, just remember to pass the --config argument so it knows where to find your normal settings:

./ludusavi --config ~/.var/app/com.github.mtkennerly.ludusavi/config/ludusavi

Yup, both Return of the Obra Dinn and Cult of the Lamb are being found.

Nice, thanks for confirming! I'm hoping to make a new release within a week or so, which would include this.