mtkennerly / ludusavi

Backup tool for PC game saves

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Timestamp on game saves

sharicov opened this issue · comments

What's your idea?

Hi, really enjoying using you program!
Could you please add timestamp column in GUI and/or comparison to existing saves?
Would avoid making unnecessary multi GB saves of games that already exist.
Thanks in advance!

Hi! I'm open to adding this, but could you tell me a little more about how you envision it helping to avoid unnecessary backups?

Ludusavi only creates a new backup if some saves have changed, and you can enable differential backups that only include the saves that changed since the previous backup.

Do you want to avoid backing up files that are older than a certain age?

Thanks, I can compare manually the existing save date with the date of one I am going to take, of cause Ideally it would be done automatically, but anyway it's much better than backuping same data over and over.
I am not doing backups periodically, normally once I am about to reinstall windows, also playing from different PCs, may by mistake override more progress save with the newer. So any identication can be helpfule: date, size etc