mtkennerly / ludusavi

Backup tool for PC game saves

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

File picker not working with Wayland

bipox opened this issue · comments

Ludusavi version


Operating system


Installation method



OS: tested on Fedora and Nobara (Fedora based)
DE: Gnome (Wayland)


Ludusavi works for the most part, games get detected automatically and I can backup the files.
But when I try to add games manually the file picker shows "unable to browse on your system"

starting ludusavi with flatpak run --nosocket=fallback-x11 --socket=x11 fixes the issue, the file picker then works normally.

(disabling socket=wayland in Flatseal works too)

Thank you for making Ludusavi, it's really great!


No response

On an OS = Arch Linux installation (no flatpack) with DE = gnome the file picker opens normally.


but I get the same error when using a flatpack install.

This is an example for a flatpak install which apparently is able to use zenity (which is the only tool on my system, no kdialog here):

Maybe the flatpack parameters of ludusavi stop it from seeing zenity in /usr/bin?

After fiddling around with flatpak, I suggest to change the socket specification in the flatpak manifest:

  - --socket=fallback-x11

to be --socket=x11

Thanks for looking into this :) I've generated a test build with the --socket=x11 change. Please give it a try and let me know if everything works:

flatpak install --user

Works for me, thanks for fixing it.

Great! I've published the fix for the regular Flatpak version as well now.

Awesome, thanks to the both of you