mthcht / ThreatHunting-Keywords

Awesome list of keywords and artifacts for Threat Hunting sessions

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.commthcht/ThreatHunting-KeywordsRepository from Github https://github.commthcht/ThreatHunting-Keywords


mthcht opened this issue · comments

  • Add every LOLBAS exploitation techniques we can fit in the list
  • Add techniques and tactics for every tools (some are missing)
  • Test all the keywords for False positives again, i am also counting on valuable community feedbacks to help maintain a curated list of high-interest, low false-positive entries.
  • release the other list with specific fields name to match each keywords (need more testing, not sure if relevant here since i have custom fields normalization)

lolbas detections will be in a different lookups in the project


will not relase a different lookup with specific fields for now