mtanneryd / ef-bulk-operations

Bulk operations for Entity Framework 6

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BulkInsertAll failling for table with no non primary key columns

JKorf opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm trying to use your library, but BulkInsertAll gives me an SqlException: Invalid syntax near ','.
I tracked the problem down to this line:
The issue is that 1 of my tables only has a primay key. It means that columnNames is an empty string, and it generates an sql statement like this:

MERGE [dbo].[TraitTargets]
                            (SELECT , rowno
                             FROM   tempdb..#9ada186c0c524a4aa88daa44962c87a4) t (, rowno)
                        ON 1 = 0
                        WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN
                        INSERT ()
                        VALUES ()
                        OUTPUT t.rowno,

which is indeed invalid sql. You should probably check if nonPrimaryKeyColumnMappings has any values.
Any chance for a quick fix?

I believe this has been fixed. Please re-open if this is not so.