mt-mods / technic

Technic mod for Minetest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Relocating a paused quarry with a jump-drive no longer resets the current dig-depth (Y value)

dennisjenkins75 opened this issue · comments

With the older model quarry, jumping the quarry with a jumpdrive would cause it to reset its "current dig depth" (Y value). The new quarry (with x/z offsets) no longer resets its Y dig depth when jumped. This is not fatal, just an unexpected change, but could be abused to dig a desired area without being required to clear the overburden first. This might possibly work if the dig radius is modulated too. Set radius to something minimal, dig down a bit, hit ores, expand radius, continue digging at the deeper spot.

This is not fatal, just an unexpected change

I would say the previous behavior was a bug 😉

The reset-on-jump behavior was only added with V2 because the digging code worked with absolute coordinates, which needed to be reset when the quarry was moved, otherwise it would continue digging in the previous location.

With V3 (the current version) the code uses coordinates relative to the quarry, so resetting is no longer necessary. It's also identical to the original behavior of V1, which also calculated it's digging position relative to the quarry.

Also with V3 I intentionally allowed settings to be changed without resetting the quarry, to give more flexibility with digging. (and the potential to create a CNC machine using a quarry)


This is not fatal, just an unexpected change

I would say the previous behavior was a bug 😉

I would say that not resetting is a bug because quarry should always dig all layers instead of leaving crust and digging underground.


I guess roots of this issue is in older auto diggers. One option to get a bit better compatibility with older and simpler digger ships would be to make reset after move configurable.