mt-mods / technic

Technic mod for Minetest

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Recent HV_Quarry changes crashing on server EdenLost

dennisjenkins75 opened this issue · comments

Server is "multicraft-2.0.0"

ServerError: AsyncErr: environment_Step: Runtime error from mod 'technic' in callback environment_Step(): ...s/world/worldmods/technic/technic/machines/HV/quarry.lua:113: bad argument #1 to 'tonumber' (value expected)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'tonumber'
        ...s/world/worldmods/technic/technic/machines/HV/quarry.lua:113: in function 'do_digging'
        ...s/world/worldmods/technic/technic/machines/HV/quarry.lua:226: in function <...s/world/worldmods/technic/technic/machines/HV/quarry.lua:211> in function 'run_nodes' in function 'network_run'
        ...echnic/technic/machines/switching_station_globalstep.lua:41: in function <...echnic/technic/machines/switching_station_globalstep.lua:9>
        /home/1hit/multicraft/bin/../builtin/game/register.lua:441: in function </home/1hit/multicraft/bin/../builtin/game/register.lua:425>
stack traceback:

Looks like a multicraft issue, or maybe an issue with Lua in multicraft.

This is the code, meta:get() returns either a string or nil, and tonumber() should return nil when passed a nil value.

local step = tonumber(meta:get("step"))

tonumber(nil) returns nil, but tonumber() throws an error. In MultiCraft, meta:get probably returns nothing (not nil) when the key is not found. This was fixed some time ago in Minetest. As a workaround, add parentheses: tonumber((meta:get("step"))).

even as this is a fixed issue in upstream multicraft now, perhaps a monkey patch to the api for older versions, or patching every meta instance is in order since (at least according to cdb), this mod supports 5.0 and up

Oh, that was a 5.5.0 fix... minetest/minetest@5aa95fe

So yeah, it should be fixed here too.

Decided to change it to tonumber(meta:get("step") or "") rather than adding the extra parentheses, it's clearer that way, and it still works the same.