mt-mods / pipeworks

Pipeworks is a mod for Minetest allowing the crafting and usage of pipes and tubes

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attempt to index global 'unified_inventory' (a boolean value) error message

DustyBagel opened this issue · comments

If you try to run a world with PipeWorks, moreores, basic materials, and xboxs enabled, you get this error message:
2023-11-20 19:33:01: ERROR[Main]: ...t\dev\minetest\bin\Release....\mods\pipeworks\init.lua:207: attempt to index global 'unified_inventory' (a boolean value)
In order to get this error message, you need to have pipeworks, moreores, basic materials, and xbows installed at the same time. I don't know why you need all of these for it to not work but that's how I got it. I don't know if it is something on the pipeworks end or on the other mod's end, but something is causing this issue. I do however have a fix for this issue. If you replace the lines 207 to 215 in the init.lua file with this code:
if type(unified_inventory) == "table" and type(unified_inventory.registered_categories) == "table" then
if not unified_inventory.registered_categories["automation"] then
unified_inventory.register_category("automation", {
symbol = "pipeworks:lua_tube000000",
label = "Automation components"
unified_inventory.add_category_items("automation", pipeworks.ui_cat_tube_list)

It fixes the problem. Thought you may have a problem with using this code as it is AI generated. I have confirmed that it does work thought.

Here's your problem, xbows is replacing the unified_inventory global, along with a bunch of other globals:

Oh, that's what was casing it. So, I assume that this fix I suggested will not be used?

Although the cause should be fixed in xbows, I've added a fix to prevent similar problems, which should work to fix the error: 7c74d0b

Good to know. Do you need it tested before you release it to the content database?

No, automatic releases are enabled, so it should update within a day.

Hi, this was also addressed in x_bows mod here and should be working on the latest x_bows version

Good to know that this has been fixed now.

This isn't a good fix since mods won't check if sub tables/variables exist. Why don't you just use local variables?

got ya, addressed here

the whole thing there is only for setting types for lua diagnostics and its not really needed for the functionality of the code, so will get rid of it