mt-mods / pipeworks

Pipeworks is a mod for Minetest allowing the crafting and usage of pipes and tubes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deprecated call to get_look_pitch, use get_look_vertical

Bastrabun opened this issue · comments

Most likely one of the least important issues, but before I forget about it ... :D

2022-12-24 13:02:03: WARNING[Server]: Deprecated call to get_look_pitch, use get_look_vertical instead (at

For my reference 3436

if no one beats me to it and i dont forget, i should be able to knock this out this weekend.


Just remember that get_look_pitch isn't same as get_look_vertical, don't remember difference but I think it yields something different with certain angle ranges.