mt-mods / pipeworks

Pipeworks is a mod for Minetest allowing the crafting and usage of pipes and tubes

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Node-breaker acts like a trashcan

SwissalpS opened this issue · comments

reported by jihuu on panorabox and I have confirmed it.

When dragging a stack of buckets into a node-breaker, it seems to work but shift-clicking the stack makes the stack vanish as if the node-breaker was a trash-can.


I guess it might simply be that deprecated list label is not fully upgraded:


Lines 26 to 29 in 1349ff8

pipeworks.fs_helpers.get_inv((2+data.wield_inv_height)) ..
"listring[context;main]" ..

Might be enough to change current_name to context.

I installed this fix into a backup copy of EdenLost (running on multi-craft-2.0.0), and the bug still exists. Using the looking-glass inspector, I can see that there are items in the "main" inventory, but they do not appear in the inventory slot of the node-breaker.

===== node data =====
     name = pipeworks:nodebreaker_off
     param1 = 0u{2007}u{2007}     
     param2 = 1u{2007}u{2007}     storing facedir: axis-direction 0 (up, +Y), rotation 1 (90°)
     light = 15            15 at noon, 4 at night
==== meta ====
     meta.fields = {
          owner = "sysadmin",
          infotext = "Node Breaker",
          formspec = "formspec_version[2]size[10.2,8]item_image[0.5,0.5;1,1;pipeworks:nodebreaker_off]label[1.5,1;Node Breaker]list[current_name;pick;4.5,1;1,1;]list[current_player;main;0.22,3;8,4;]listring[context;main]listring[current_player;main]"
     meta.inventory = 
          ghost_pick : 
          main : 
               "pipeworks:nodebreaker_off" - 150
               "mobs_xenomorph:xenomorph" - 150
          pick : 
==== nodedef ====