mt-mods / jumpdrive

Minetest jumpdrive mod

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Prevent vacuum from jumping

BuckarooBanzay opened this issue · comments

Replace vacuum with air on jumping.

Use case

  • Large scale pressurized landing structures don't get decompressed while jumping in


  • Vacuum is unmovable again

Upside far outweighs the downside. I need to check if we can still get vacuum into inventory, that was one way of willingly 'destroy' bases. (also bringing to earth and using in water as lights)

I need to check if we can still get vacuum into inventory,

AFAIK, you can't, vacuum drops nothing:

If there was a way, then it would also make it possible to get bedrock, air, and other "illegal" nodes into inventory

we managed to find ways to get vacuum and tried similar methods with bedrock and almost all placeable nodes.
So far we only got vacuum. It's a timing situation. Ask coil for more info.


Just for the record, I do have some air...

I spent a couple minutes trying to get vacuum and failed. Good thing I still have stacks in storage :)