mt-mods / jumpdrive

Minetest jumpdrive mod

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Jumpdrive does not connect to digilines above or below

OgelGames opened this issue Β· comments

Should have been fixed/added by 95699d6, but I tested it both locally and on pandorabox, and it still does not work. πŸ˜•

Some examples:

@BuckarooBanzay @S-S-X


I looked at commit and it seems that it might actually work for receiving messages to jd but not for sending messages from jd.
For sending every digilines.receptor_send(send_pos, digilines.rules.default, ... should be changed so that digilines.rules.default is jumpdrive.digiline_rules instead.
Same goes for digilines.transmit calls if there's any, probably not.

Still doesn't work... I should note that it doesn't work for receiving, and I haven't tested sending. I'm using this code in luacontroller for testing:

digiline_send("jumpdrive", { command = "set", x = 1024, y = 1024, z = 2048, r = 15, formupdate = true })

Oh yes, now actually after last commit situation is probably that sending works but not receiving.
I'm pretty sure receiving will be fixed by changing node rules in first commit:

	digiline = {
		rules = jumpdrive.digiline_rules,
		receptor = {action = function() end},
		effector = {
			action = jumpdrive.digiline_effector


	digiline = {
		receptor = {
			rules = jumpdrive.digiline_rules,
			action = function() end
		effector = {
			rules = jumpdrive.digiline_rules,
			action = jumpdrive.digiline_effector

As digilines only look for digiline.effector.rules, digiline.receptor.rules and digiline.wire.rules but wont merge digiline.rules (which would be kinda logical thing to do but it wont do that).

That fixes it, thanks @S-S-X πŸ‘

🀦 thanks @S-S-X