mt-mods / jumpdrive

Minetest jumpdrive mod

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

low priority: books can disappear if user really tries hard

SwissalpS opened this issue · comments

If book is emptied by user manually it still registers as a written book and does not give nil when deserialized. Same applies if all lines are commented out.

To reproduce: take a book with coordinates and comment out the line. Place in jumpdrive and press "read from book"
2nd way: manually replace title and contents with a space and save.

This was detected by xercyst. I told him that was user error but mention it here anyway.

I told him that was user error but mention it here anyway.

Oook, thx for reporting, i'll keep that open to fix someday (TM) 😄

Thanks! 👍

By the way: i'm consolidating my repos, i may move this one to the pandorabox-io org, just fyi...