mt-mods / jumpdrive

Minetest jumpdrive mod

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mid-air spaces are considered occupied

Alatarius opened this issue · comments

I have been testing this out and even mid-air spaces (500+ blocks high) with nothing around in mid-air keep showing as occupied. Are air nodes considered a collision? Even with a single jump controller, unable to use this mod in any way. I downloaded this about 2 days ago and it won't teleport/jump anywhere

This shouldn't happen, all buildable_to = true nodes can be jumped into, even water and lava. My only guess is you have a mod that is changing something with the air.

(500+ blocks high)

Are you sure the map is generated in that area? What is the exact error-message?


Important thing to understand is that you can only jump to previously explored areas but not locations where no player has ever been. So it is not exactly just teleport device but instead traveling with jumpdrive requires some preparations: exploring target area before using jumpdrive.

BuckarooBanzay is also referring to this mechanism by asking if you're sure that map is generated in target area.

This I understand. If it's an unexplored area the message will tell you that it's unexplored. But The message I am getting is that the space is occupied but the area I want it to jump is at the 500 node height above any nodes so it is in the sky at a point you can't view the ground at all. But even with it explored and the view is all air nodes in any direction with no solid block viewable at all it still tells me it's occupied.

The explored area is at -269, 500 -385. This is in the sky with no ground or other nodes able to be seen. All that can be seen is clouds below me. It still says it is occupied.

(500+ blocks high)

Are you sure the map is generated in that area? What is the exact error-message?

It says "Jump target is occupied"

This shouldn't happen, all buildable_to = true nodes can be jumped into, even water and lava. My only guess is you have a mod that is changing something with the air.

The only mods that I have besides this one is Technic, mesecons, ethereal and etherium_stuff. This is my testing world so I try to have a limited number of mods active.

[edit] Changed mesecraft to mesecons and also forgot to add that I have pipeworks installed


Would be very interesting to see actual mapblock data if not for anything else then at least to rule out possible invisible nodes that are blocking the jump. For this could try to use blockexchange (upload area) or world edit (export schematic and share it or //lua to write nodes to JSON file).

For jumpdrive mod in these situations I guess it could be helpful to log position and node name if jump failed because area couldn't be considered empty, basically log here:

if not buildable_to_nodes[id] then
-- not buildable_to
return false, "Occupied"

Would be very interesting to see actual mapblock data if not for anything else then at least to rule out possible invisible nodes that are blocking the jump. For this could try to use blockexchange (upload area) or world edit (export schematic and share it or //lua to write nodes to JSON file).

Feel free to even share the world-folder for the mentioned coordinates above, i'm curious why this happens (the "raw" world might contain more information that just the condensed down schematics)