mt-mods / fakeplayer

minetest fake-player library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cdb release

BuckarooBanzay opened this issue · comments

  • screenshot
  • add to cdb

I'm working on my fakelib mod again, this mod will be obsolete once that is finished, best not to put this on CDB.


Personally I'd prefer one under community organization and with open development from beginning. Maybe @OgelGames you could consider integrating your improvements here instead of starting new personal project for it.

instead of starting new personal project for it

Too late for that, I started it a long time ago and I'm going to finish it :D

I'm working on my fakelib mod again, this mod will be obsolete once that is finished, best not to put this on CDB.

ok then, i think we can wait, no pressure 👍

I have completed fakelib, and it is available on ContentDB (, so this mod can be deleted now.

I have completed fakelib, and it is available on ContentDB (, so this mod can be deleted now.

nice, thanks for your work 🎉