mt-mods / beowulf

anticheat mod

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

beowulf/logging.lua:5: attempt to index local 'info' (a nil value)

Festus1965 opened this issue · comments

2022-01-11 03:58:26: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'beowulf' in callback on_joinplayer(): /home/thomas/.minetest/mods/beowulf/logging.lua:5: attempt to index local 'info' (a nil value)
2022-01-11 03:58:26: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2022-01-11 03:58:26: ERROR[Main]: /home/thomas/.minetest/mods/beowulf/logging.lua:5: in function 'func'
2022-01-11 03:58:26: ERROR[Main]: ...ocal/share/minetest/builtin/profiler/instrumentation.lua:106: in function <...ocal/share/minetest/builtin/profiler/instrumentation.lua:100>
2022-01-11 03:58:26: ERROR[Main]: /usr/local/share/minetest/builtin/game/register.lua:429: in function </usr/local/share/minetest/builtin/game/register.lua:413>

have fun with it,
but my first intention goes to similar happening I had during mc2.0.0 -
clients disappear during the mod was running, and just wanted this data