msys2 / msys2-launcher

Helper for launching MSYS2 shells

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The command line of the launchers

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I wonder which is the command line of the launchers.

From launcher.c it seems something like

%s\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe -i '%s' -o 'AppLaunchCmd=%s' -o 'AppID=MSYS2.Shell.%s.%d' -o 'AppName=MSYS2 %s Shell' -t 'MSYS2 %s Shell' --store-taskbar-properties -- %s %s

I want to create links named

'MSYS Terminal.lnk'
'MINGW32 Terminal.lnk'
'MINGW64 Terminal.lnk'

and tried this Target: for the first:

C:\msys64\usr\bin\mintty.exe -o 'AppID=Terminal.MSYS.9' -o 'AppName=MSYS Terminal' -t 'MSYS Terminal' --store-taskbar-properties /usr/bin/env MSYSCON=mintty.exe MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict /usr/bin/bash --login

(MSYS2 MSYS Shell is too long!) but it does not work as expected after pinned on the Task Bar (TB). Indeed, after pinned, it shows up the menu offering which terminal (msys2, mingw32, mingw64) to start.

So, which is the right way to create those links?


I'm not sure what's the goal here, but looks like you're missing AppLaunchCmd at least. Of course this is more of a question for either MinTTY itself or the MSYS2 build thereof. From my POV, the correct way to make regular shortcuts is to "create shortcut" from msys2.exe (or one of the mingw ones) and the correct way to pin a shortcut is to run the .exe and pin the resulting running window.

I'm closing this as a non-issue, but if you're still interested by any chance, we can discuss.