msgpack / msgpack

MessagePack is an extremely efficient object serialization library. It's like JSON, but very fast and small.

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Webpage not functional?

mickeN89 opened this issue · comments

Hello, seems like the website is not working anymore?
the "Try!" link is not responding and the "Languages"/"API" field is empty

That's true... many errors are shown on the browser's console:
Screen Shot 2021-04-07 at 17 26 27


How does one use this library? Is this a dead project, or just a really dead website? What languages are supported? Anybody have github links? thx.

@zipzit This repository just contains the definition of the MessagePack format (describing the standard), it never provided an actual implementation.

The Repository list for msgpack contains some implemenations:

Also, you could do what the crawler for the webpage does and search for the tag on github.

Let's hope they will fix it soon.

It's 19th/June/2021 and the website is still broken!

If like me you are looking for the C# implementation the repo is here

Yeah website is still broken, I think @frsyuki is the one that manages that site.

For the last month there's been a PR waiting for review: msgpack/website#44
Looks like mostly gem version updates.

I mentioned @frsyuki about this on twitter (could not DM). I think it's kinda important for msgpack to have a working website 😉

The website is still broken!

@tagomoris do you have permissions to review and merge the relevant PR msgpack/website#44?

@repeatedly seems to be the last person other than @frsyuki to have committed to the website's repo.

Look like it's finally back up!